I don't like preachy stuff, so I pick… Wait, they're both preachy. In that case, I choose the rat-faced bastard.
From the 27 Club, Kurt Cobain or Jimi Hendrix?
I don't like preachy stuff, so I pick… Wait, they're both preachy. In that case, I choose the rat-faced bastard.
From the 27 Club, Kurt Cobain or Jimi Hendrix?
I was bullied in middle school, so I'm prepared for multiple traumatic injuries. Ooh, and the press. Yes!
Since were on the topic, more about Trump's lies here!
For a million dollars, would you wear diapers for the rest of your life?
PS. Diapers, not just one, Jesus. Change them like you normally would.
Nope. I don't actually have a phone, though I have an iPad.
TPBM owns makeup!
Of course, I've always wanted to become a lab rat. I might develop some sort of immunity, or be infected, but meh.
For a million dollars, would you drink a gallon of human BLOOD?
Ha, do I like bears? I love bears.
TPBM has seen at least one 2017 Oscar-nominated film.
Been having recurring dreams of Tim Kruger's cock as of late. Leander's worthy of mentioning, too.
Ha! Actually am.
TPBM is experiencing rain right now!
Regular, I think.
Gaytorrent.ru on phone or computer?
Kreutzer Sonata by Beethoven (I'm a casual listener, I don't what the proper title is :P)
Nah, I already sleep for 6 hours a day and it's hell every time I wake up.
For a million dollars, would you be willing to be "drowned", and "saved", for a thousand times (doesn't have to be continuous, maybe do it within a year).
On average, maybe (I dunno, google it). But there's also horse hung white dudes.
Damn, I've never felt such a connection with a fictional character this much. >:D
I don't really drink, but I choose caipirinha.
Lumberjack or police (fantasyyyy~)?
Edit: Try voting categories of torrents you've finished downloading.