It was a total contract/ownership kind of situation. Not all about the shows itself. Sadly. That's a gigantic bummer for everybody that followed any of those Marvel shows. 😕
I think the movie is great. Best sequel since Part 4. Better than H20 and Resurrection.
Also I hope that's THE END. A perfect goodbye for Laurie Strode and Michael Myers.
And… Jamie Lee Curtis must do more horror. Only watched Scream Queens because of her.
I thought it was fantastic! It literally was like watching/playing a 20-30 hour episode of South Park. The combat system was better than the Stick of Truth, the map was bigger, and there were more characters to have in your party. I thought it was hilarious, but I kinda don't feel like it was worth paying the launch date price for it. I'm just hoping for some really good DLC in the future.
When I was a TOTAL PIG, and before the days of the dreaded disease, the Orgy rooms of the Thermos Night Sauna, and the Cockring Club in Amsterdam. I'd be there until throwing out time, blinking into the sunlight.
my nephew spoiled Han's death for me. so i knew that he died, i just didnt know where or how lol. i was more emotional about how Chewy was reacting lol