Justice League
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I loved it.
Some parts might be hard to understand if you've never read a DC comic, seen any of the animations, or watched the last movies (who Clark's/Superman's mother is, who is Lois Lane, what can Diana do, etc.) but the more you know the better it becomes. The Flash just tosses out the word Speedforce to glossover what his power is and for people out of the know it's not helpful. I understand. For such people, they're not going to love the movie as much as I do – that's okay, the extended cut and/or the Syder cut [over three hours long] will fill in the bits they don't understand.
The good: They rewrote comic book history to make fresh changes to the story. Even I was surprised and delighted – I was one HUGE smile in the theater -- by how they re-wrote large story arcs. The characters had great chemistry. The Amazons. The flashback battle scene.
The bad: They ovbiously cut large chunks that the audiance needed. Part of that included Stepenwolfs backstory and his relationship to Darkseid (he's Darkseids uncle) which could have opened the story up. The also powered down Wonder Woman and Stephenwolf. (The Flash hasn't really used his powers before, so it's understandable he was shown as weaker than he actually is.)
One change Wheaton made from Snyders original script is the post-post credit scene (stay around for the last frame after the credits). They wrote in a backdoor option on where to take the franchise and even though it will be fun, they shouldn't have. They really shouldn't have.
You should watch this in the theaters while you can.