Also, since the topic of SBP accumulation has come up, I should point out that there are many ways that you can accumulate SBP faster. They are:

Adding relevant pictures of good quality to existing torrents[nb]Pending the approval of a moderator. 1 SBP is awarded per picture once the pictures are approved by a moderator, therefore you may experience a delay in being awarded these points.[/nb]

Posting meaningful, useful, relevant, or otherwise productive posts in the forum in an existing thread[nb]1 SBP is awarded per post. Posts that are deemed to be for the purpose of spamming, simply to acquire points faster, or are otherwise in violation of the rules are subject to removal (if deemed necessary) and any points earned from those posts will be reversed once reviewed by our forum admins. Repeat offenders may be subject to penalties including (but not limited to): forum warnings, system warnings, suspension from the forum, or suspension of your account.[/nb]

Creating a new topic (thread) in the forum[nb]5 SBP per new thread in addition to the SBP awarded for the post. Posts that are deemed to be for the purpose of spamming, simply to acquire points faster, or are otherwise in violation of the rules are subject to removal (if deemed necessary) and any points earned from those posts will be reversed once reviewed by our forum admins. Repeat offenders may be subject to penalties including (but not limited to): forum warnings, system warnings, suspension from the forum, or suspension of your account.[/nb]

Reporting a valid duplicate torrent[nb]Report a torrent as a duplicate by clicking the "Report" link at the bottom of the torrent page OF THE DUPLICATE TORRENT. You will be asked for the link or id hash of the ORIGINAL torrent.[/nb][nb]Duplicate torrent reports are subject to the review of a moderator. If/when the report is confirmed by a moderator, you will be awarded 50 SBP.[/nb]

Voting for categories on torrents you have downloaded.[nb]2 SBP is awarded per vote, regardless of how many categories you vote for. You may vote for up to 5 categories per torrent.[/nb]

Seeding one or more torrents continuously.[nb]You are awarded 0.5 SBP per hour that you have one or more torrents seeding. This is a flat rate, regardless of how many torrents that you have seeding.[/nb]

Uploading a new torrent through the FTUP[nb]Additional SBP can be awarded if a user clicks the "Thank You" button and adds SBP to their thanks. This however is up to each user, and is not a guarantee that you will get additional thanks.[/nb][nb]Uploading ANY new torrent (not just your first) can also get you SBP through the "Thank You" option on the torrent info page.[/nb]