I am wondering if you cna get an infection if you drin pee from another guy you dont know much of him and if him has an infection
Latest posts made by charrotoro
Can you get sick form drinking pee?
Sharing chores
do gay couples share the chores more often than heterosex?
Audiosurf: nice music game
I found this game from steam, is called audiosurf and is cheapie is called audiosurf
Basically like a car racing, tetris and guitar hero mixed togheter, I like it because it uses you own music in mp3, AAC FLAC and wave (haven't teste wih falc of 24 bits)
with Johann sebastian bach you can get very crazy rides and very complex
How do you find black guys with beards
I fidn them very hot, but they have to be slender built (slim) and with certain beards like goatee
Do you like smelling shit?
Guys do you like smelling marked undies or toilet papers with guys shit, imagining s from a hot guy? I like it
hope i am not crazy, i collect some toilet papers from the job
but some fade their odor, so I asked my german friend to send me some soiled undies
Have you asked some one for his undies?
I wanted to ask a coworker but i retrcated because it seemed like a bad idea and potential of being fired, but he is hot with goattee
Kids with gay parents
Do kids who are part of gay parents become gay later in life, or can be also hetero?