I found it in the end.
Its called Snapshots of Shane.
Best posts made by chacha123
RE: Cant find a porn by description..
RE: Cant find a porn by description..
Hi. Its none of those movies. Thanks for trying to help me find it.
The movie I look for has much more plot than an usual porn movie.I think its very close to a themed movie but its porn. I remember the guy's name . Its Shane. Its someting like adventures of shane or something similar (not Shane Solo adventures , the results that usually pops on my searches)
But you are right about the ammount of scenes and names like this. I tried to search by name, description etc and there are tousands of movies and that one probably got even deleted.
Latest posts made by chacha123
RE: Cant find a porn by description..
I found it in the end.
Its called Snapshots of Shane. -
RE: Cant find a porn by description..
Hi. Its none of those movies. Thanks for trying to help me find it.
The movie I look for has much more plot than an usual porn movie.I think its very close to a themed movie but its porn. I remember the guy's name . Its Shane. Its someting like adventures of shane or something similar (not Shane Solo adventures , the results that usually pops on my searches)
But you are right about the ammount of scenes and names like this. I tried to search by name, description etc and there are tousands of movies and that one probably got even deleted.
Thanks. -
Cant find a porn by description..
Hello. Im trying to find an old porn movie I used to like a lot. Might be even 10 years ago. What I remember was that the movie has a lot of storyline. It was about a guy that was at art school or photography something like that.I remember a scene where he was posing for another guy that was taking photos of him. After a while he got naked and they were very close to each other face to face and they had errection and one of the guy I think asked "what now?". Im not sure if the guys name was sean or something similar.
Summer abs contest (1000SBP)
Me and some friends on irc decided to make a contest where participants have to train for 10 months on their abs and after that post pictures here. After that the users will vote the most sexy abs. The winner will receive 1000 Seed Bonus Points and the looser will have to sing a song live on ventrilo (like a karaoke). You can also post before and after picture, talk about your diet and training and how hard it was or share other information. You will have to make a special pose when you take your picture so we avoid fakes (more info then). We will make a pool after the pictures are uploaded and only the users that are registered before the contest started are eligible to vote.
The true meaning of this contest is to have a motivation to start improving yourself in a competition spirit. The true prize will be the sexy abs that will break the heart or head of every gay boy you will meet.Users registered to this contest:
geoPost here if you want to participate. The list will close on 31 August.
RE: Povestea lui Bogdan
Trenul era pustiu de parca el ar fi fost singurul calator si cu toate ca se putea aseza oriunde avea de gand sa respecte locul scris pe bilet. Intr-un final ajunsese la numarul de pe bilet si mare ii fu mirarea cand descoperi ca nu este singur in tren. Pe locul din fata lui statea un baiat care se uita ingandurat pe geam si isi musca nervos unghiile. Era putin ciudat ca intr-un tren aproape gol Bogdan sa se aseze chiar in fata lui de parca nu ar fi fost destul loc. Si totusi isi lua inima in dinti si
Povestea lui Bogdan
Salutare. Avand in vedere ca bate vantul pe aici ma gandeam sa va pun imaginatia la incercare cu un joc. Jocul consta in crearea unei povesti (porno sau erotice sau cum vreti voi) cu tema gay (D'oh!) unde fiecare user contribuie cu un numar maxim de cuvinte. La sfarsit voi aduna toate posturile pentru ca povestea sa fie citita mai usor.
Pentru inceput:
- maxim 100 cuvinte (http://www.wordcounter.net/)
Nici nu isi dadu seama cat de repede trecu timpu gandindu-se toata noaptea la problemele de zi cu zi, la faptul ca nu avuse niciodata prieten sau macar o simpla experienta sexuala cu alt barbat. Bogdan era un tip extrem de timid si nesigur pe el sapandu-si parca singur groapa putin cate putin in fiecare zi. Nu avea nici macar amici gay sau macar sa fi fost vreodata intr-un club desi avea un aspect placut si corpul bine lucrat la sala. Era prima zi de concediu si desi nu dormise toata noaptea avea planuri mari.
Unknow movie
Is there any section or topic to post unknow movie description? For example I forgat a movie name that I used to like but I can provide the description.