@geobear40 why don't you run for president?
Posts made by bjt
RE: Once again, Biden can't stop lying
RE: Once again, Biden can't stop lying
@raphjd Did you even read what I said... Obviously not with your less then stellar reply. TDS ( oh how predictable of you) Don't put words in my mouth, never did I say Biden can do no wrong. I'm more than aware of his racial and homophobic slurs. My father use to call me faggot, today he's my friend. People change, they grow once confronted with their mistake (usually). Do I think he's the best man for the job, for now, yes. TRUMP is a vile embarrassment to the human race and always has been. Honestly, I'd like to see someone who isn't on deaths doorstep in the White House. Some young blood.
RE: Once again, Biden can't stop lying
@geobear40 If you think of yourself as a student of history... Educate yourself a little better . Trump doesn't give a shit about you, me, "the great unwashed", the great outdoors nothing but himself and his rich buddies in the deep state. Watch this you might just learn a thing or the truth. Youtube Video
RE: Once again, Biden can't stop lying
@raphjd what are your sources for finding out information? The laughable title of this thread is what caught my attention. " Once again, Biden can't stop lying " This is a joke is what I thought so then I read on... Wow you're serious, how unfortunate for you. You were right about one thing, Trump is definitely not a communist lol Authoritarian, Bigot, Corrupt, Demagogue, Egocentric, Fascist, Idiot, Kleptocrat, Liar, Megalomaniac, Narcissist, Oligarch, Pervert, Repulsive, Sycophant, Tyrant, Xenophobe. (Trump in a nutshell) Biden isn't the quickest whip granted but what Biden does have is Empathy for all Americans. To be the leader of the most powerful country in the world, one must have empathy. Without it you're an asshole. Give that asshole money and power and you get greed and corruption. Trouble.
RE: Canada's Supreme Court rules LGBT rights trump religious freedom
What are you talking about?
RE: Liberal Hypocrite "Private Jet" Leonardo DiCaprio - One of the Worst Polluters
Forgive me but,It seems like you're carrying a lot of anger/dislike/hate
You should maybe check that and let it go. Your bodies pH becomes acidic, that's not good. Life is too short, relax, who isn't a hypocrite… Do your part, that's all. Peace 2 u
RE: Hillary taking 90% of Haiti Donations
Trump has never done or said anything against gays… LoL Do yourself a favor and educate yourself before you speak! He has so, he's flat out against gay marriage. The bigger threat is Pence who wants to see all LGBT people go through Conversion Therapy and as Indiana Governor supported the use of federal funding to treat people and " change their sexual behavior." :afr:
RE: Hillary taking 90% of Haiti Donations
I call bs on your post. Taking 90% of Haiti Donations… Proof please... 100% accurate Proof. As for ANY LGBT people that voted for Trump... You were conned in the biggest of ways. Just look at what's happening... Everything that Obama did for the LGBT community is being gutted little by little. Clinton wouldn't have touched a thing nor would she have filled her cabinet with a bunch of unqualified crooked bigot billionaires. Don't even get me started on Pence :crazy2:
RE: Any Trump Supporters here?
First and foremost if Mr Trump is elected along with his homophobic side kick Mr Pence :afr: :crazy2: :afr: America is DOOMED. If you vote for this troubling twosome you are a special kind of stupid. Second, can someone explain what exactly has Hill done that makes her so corrupt and horrible. Facts not Fox stories please. Third, It kinda boggles the mind why a large chunk of Americans think Obama has been a terrible President. Does anyone remember what he walked into thanks to 8 yrs of Bush and DICK. Sure he wasn't perfect, no President has ever been perfect. He did however pull the country out of the ditch it was in ( the numbers don't lie, Fox news does) even with the do NOTHING congress, worst in history and the real problem of the last 8 yrs, FACT! Anyways, please don't fuck it up and vote Trump. The world is watching. Peace out
RE: If you can turn a straight into GAY,who would he be?