I find SOME MEN cute in jockstraps, while I find most men hot in Speedos. It all depends on who is wearing the garment though. Because some can make a garment look hot while others make a garment look horrible?

Latest posts made by billygoines
RE: Anyone else like men in jockstraps???
RE: Seedbox - what do you prefer?
The seedbox seems pretty interesting.
RE: 1st time sex
Nothing other than confirm what I already knew.
Well, maybe it made me even gayer. I know, that sounds odd, but until the point that I had gay sex, I wasn't 100% sure I was gay. Self doubt and all that.
Exactly the same answer for me. 1st time having sex, was just a confirmation that I was 100% Gay.
RE: Gay men wanting equality, yet not giving it in return
(As they have said things against gay people in my presence before they knew)
There was a study done about 2 years ago that showed that heteros when thinking about gays, focus on the sex, not the person.
Well I mean in reality Gays are thought to be…. a Guy or Girl that is wanting sex from the same kind of sex. That's all hetero think about because they don't think that Gays can love one another like Heteros can and that's totally wrong. I've been with my boyfriend for 2 years now and I have a love for him that I couldn't give to any other man.
I tried women before I met my boyfriend, but their was no love for the women. So my hetero life sucked terribly, because I was trying to give love, but couldn't because that's not who I was. But after I met my boyfriend, I found the love. And I'm not talking about the sex part, I'm meaning the true feeling of love. That feeling that makes you want to know everything about that person. The feeling that makes you want to be there for that person through everything. The feeling that makes you want only him in your life and no other man. That undescribeable feeling that you want to explain, but you can't because it's a powerful love.
Wierdest Places You've Had Sex
I personally have not had the chance to have sex in a wierd place or anything yet, so hopefully that comes true soon. But I'm sure that people on here have, so I'm curious as to what places those would be. Now can't hold any information out and you can't lie about it either, lol. So lets hear the good stuff! ;D
RE: Gay Couple arrested in Rome for Kissing
That's a bunch of bull, straight couples can kiss in public!
If you can't call that a case of two policemen being Homophobia, then I don't know what else to call it!
RE: The bible told me so…
I came from a Pentecostal church…...I have read the bible, I know what it says. I also know where so called Christians get their beliefs that us Gays are going to hell. But they don't seem to think about their gossiping they do. They don't think about how they are living their life because they are too busy putting their nose in everyone elses and trying to be all "Holier Than Thou" bullshit.
I have a personal belief on my ways of living and I don't think that I'm going to go to hell for being Gay. Before my boyfriend and I got to together I dated a girl for 6 months, but couldn't get myself to have sex or anything. I couldn't really love her the way I wanted and the way I knew I should. Well to make a long story short we broke it off after she came to me and told me that she might be pregnant. I knew the baby wasn't mine and so I knew that it was time to just end the relationship.
At this time I had given up on girls and decided to see what it was like to be with a guy. Well I had a friend that I knew was gay and we had been talking for little over a year I think. Well anyways, we decided to meet each other for the first time at a Bowling Alley. He had his friends with him so I got to meet his friends also. Well anyways, after bowling we went to his house and well we drunk some Aliza (Red Colored Liquor). This is the first time that I had ever drunk any kind of Alcoholic drink or whatever. Anyways we ended up making love and thats when I knew that I was gay and that's also when I knew what it mean't to love someone on an intimacy level.
We are still together and going on 2 years and 1 month as of February 12, 2006. I have learned what love really is and what it means to love someone who is close to you. I'm always telling babe that I love him because I do and I wouldn't take any other man out there. We have went through some tough times together and that's what makes the relationship stronger.
Anyways, back to the topic. I said all that to say this, before I found out I was gay. I myself was a hardcore church person and believed that if you didn't believe in Jesus that your soul was damned for hell. But I've learned different and have came to a personal belief on being Gay.
My personal belief........... Bible says that we were created in His image (Meaning God's image). If He created us then, why would He send someone to a place of torture and gnashing of teeth. It dosen't make sense, because that contridicts being made in his own image. Because if we are made in His own image, then wouldn't that mean that we would act the way He wants us to? Everyone has their own belief of whether their is a God or not. I personally think that their is a Higher Power, but I don't think that it's like the church people make the Higher Power appear to look like, meaning a Man with long hair, wearing ragged clothes, etc.... No one knows wheter their is a Heaven or Hell, because no one has came back from the dead to tell everyone about it. No one knows if we pass on into another world or not. I think that's why a lot of people get wrapped up in religion. Because they promise a good after life, a place of no weeping or pain. So I think a lot of people just like to think they know where they are going when they die, but truth of the matter is. No one knows what happens after we die. I just know that I believe in a Higher Power and that if I wasn't suppose to be gay, then I wouldn't be, I'd be different. I hope I haven't bored anyone with my long post.
Staff Comments - Thank You Very Much!
I would like to say thank you for such a good staff. I especially want to say thank you for taking on coldpulse as a Moderator. He helped me with uploading a torrent. I'm very glad that he took the patience and time to help me out. He was very nice about everything and helped me get through the problem. He stayed with me and helped me even though it took 1hr and 30 - 45mins to get the problem settled. Come to find out the problem was on my end and I was messing up when I went to the post to download the torrent, I would end up saving the torrent instead of just opening it up. But when I saved the torrent it ended up saving over the torrent I had created with uTorrent, which was causing the upload to fail. But coldpulse was very nice and he helped me work through my problem and I want to say thank you very much and that I'm glad that coldpulse took the time and had the patience to help me out.
Thank you Tom for the site and keep up the good work staff!