@di3di3di3 said in Get circumcised or not?:

no. never change for anyone. especially not for religious nutjobs . lol

''unclean'' ,...umm did he ever hear of soap and water?

anyways, we arent middle ages now. we have clean running water, soap and access to it 24/7/365. cleaning pennis foreskin etc means its as clean as a circumciced pennis

Imma say this again - by the time you reach adulthood, having YOURSELF circumcised is a purely personal choice.

That said, the results are even more permanent than a tattoo! (There is no putting that foreskin back!)

But, like a tattoo, the purpose is purely visual and personal... if you like it better, cut it!

But also, all of these purported "medical" reasons are pathetic excuses to explain INFANT circumcision, and they are bogus...