Earned seed point bonus is flat rate of 1 point every 2 hours… whether seeding 1 torrent or 100 torrents.
Thank you for your response. This is quite strange because I feel that I have earned so many Seed Points Bonus over the years because I try to keep at least 6 files seeding all the time here. I always thought that seeding each file will earn me 0.5pts every hour? I feel that there is no point of me seeding the other files anymore 😞
Anyway, thanks for clarifying the situation.
I had the same impression that you got points for every file seeded. I wonder if thats a recent change or if ive just be mistaken this whole time. It does take away incentive to seed miltiple files which other folks may want but if you only get credit for one why would anyone seed more than one. My ratio is fine so i dont even ned to seed to keep that up.
I was also under the same impression. Yes, you only get 0.5 bonus points, irrespective of the number of torrents being uploaded at any given time. As Popper said, upping multiple torrents does affect your ratio. Say you're upping six torrents and have upped around 1 GB in an hour, you will get the corresponding uptick in your ratio. Still, I also don't like the miserly 0.5 bonus points per hour. It should at least be 1/hr 😛