That is a new torrent which the uploader never got to seed. Unfortunately our attempts to help getting this torrent of ground were without success.
Thank you for your help :ok2:
That is a new torrent which the uploader never got to seed. Unfortunately our attempts to help getting this torrent of ground were without success.
Thank you for your help :ok2:
dead torrent
reseed button is not clickable (?)
So so :cool2:
still no response? ::)
Anybody called my name?!? >:D :cool2:
- User Alienx posted something a few days ago in the Forum, here : the left column of his post, under his name, there's written "Uploaded: 36.28 GB"
But his profile can't be seen : "alienx's security settings doesn't allow to show you the Profile!"
In explanatation by "mgr" is this declared as a bug. So, thanks to a bug, I have reached security intended for Power user without being a PU actually. My question is: Why should any user get better security than other, just because he is a beginner? There should be set maximal security by default for all users without an exception, and if somebody sees no need for this better security, then he might be able to set it to lower level.
PS. Sorry for my english, it's not my native language. I hope my opinion is nevertheless understandable.