The only "ist" in MY comment was "extremists," and when you consider lifelong racists like Jeff Sessions and the Biggest Loser threatening (promising?) a new nuclear arms race, that description seems inarguable. As for lo-info voters, when very substantial chunks of one party's supporters claim their candidate won by a majority of the popular vote, increased unemployment, had declining job numbers during the longest continuous period of job growth, and otherwise live in some fact-free alternate universe where Russian cyber intrusion is A. disputed and B. welcomed and defended, their mirror world seems indisputable too.
Obama was far from perfect, but accomplished more than his detractors give him credit for and, to the extent there is any history left for most of us, will be well regarded for running a productive, scandal-free administration that pulled the world economy back from a precipice despite unprecedented obstruction from before he was even sworn in.
Certainly what Obama has done to normalize gay rights, including open military service, marriage, spousal benefits, and gay families is impressive in its own right and should be more highly regarded on a site like this one without a lot of bogus both-siderism to muddy the waters.
I'm taking a wait and see approach myself. If Trump/Pence do not try to reinstate DADT or introduce legislation to undermine same-sex marriage and/or the benefits that come with marriage, then I think they should be applauded for not going the typical Republican route on that issue. However, if they do decide to go that route then they'll be known as bigots and there is no other way of putting it; especially forĀ Trump because it would've meant he flat-out lied about his support for the LGBTQ community simply to get enough of the community to vote for him. They have the opportunity to continue the progress President Obama began by changing the rules surrounding gays serving in the military and same-sex couples receiving the benefits that opposite-sex couples have always received.