Really, Milo Yiannopoulos, do you have to come to gaytorrent to spew this rubbish? This would be nauseating if it wasn't so boring.
The left claim that they have the moral high ground, yet they hide their faces and use violence to make their point.
They will burn the American flag and talk about borders being racist, but refuse to burn the Mexican flag. It shows they respect Mexico's borders, but not the US's borders.
They can't debate because they know their argument sucks, so they are left with name calling and violence.
They hate Blair White and Skylar because they are real trans, not the liberal "gender trenders" the left worships so much.
They hate free speech so much, that they are willing to set fire to buildings that people are in, to prevent free speech from happening.
They believe it's good to gang up on an already unconscious, bloody person and stomp on them and beat them with sticks because they MIGHT believe something you don't like.
They scream "nazi" at anyone who points out how fucking hypocritical they are in everything they stand for.
They find it acceptable for a male cuck, er um, feminist to punch a woman because she asked a difficult question.
It's ok for them to pour piss over someone's head because they disagree with you.
They refuse to condemn the violence their side uses, even when the other side condemns ALL violence.
They believe it's ok to prevent emergency vehicles from getting through.
They believe it's ok for women to hit men, but men can't fight back. But they're feminists, who cry for equality.
They say that men who don't make sure their female partner orgasms during sex is a selfish pig, but a sexist if he does.
They think it's ok to advocate aborting male babies, and using the hashtag #Not Another Monster
They cry for gender equality, until we try to give it to them, like equalizing the retirement age in the UK or sex crime and domestic violence laws in various countries. That's when they get fucking butt hurt.