political correctness gone crazy

Best posts made by MontanaJones
RE: Grindr fails to remove ethnicity filter after pledge to do so
Latest posts made by MontanaJones
RE: Reseed requests and mangled filenames
@john32123666 Sometimes they download to their own folder but often times they end up in the general download folder. Sorry but I don't have the patience to be making a bunch of new folders etc. why can't they just have the correct filename to start with?
Reseed requests and mangled filenames
so I get a reseed request in my inbox and am almost positive I have the file, but searching my storage turns up nothing. So many times a torrent will save with a filename such as -4574047396370800991.mp4 or simply "vid" or something else that has no resemblance to the actual torrent name, what can you do?
RE: How old were you when..
I know this one is old but I'll participate all the same
1.When did you hit puberty?
15 1/2 in 10th grade. I'm from the generation that had open locker rooms, showers starting in 7th grade so there was no hiding it, undressing showering in 9th grade looking like an 11 year old is embarrassing to say the least-
Did you get wet dreams?
Yes, but when I was older -
What age did your cock get full size?
16? 17? -
Did you start having sex at a early age?
12, took my friends 7" deep up my ass, couldn't walk for a day after that -
Do you think having sex when you were young helped your cock grow?
Well since I had sex and my cock did NOT grown, obviously no. [this is a ridiculous question]
Re-seed request for a torrent I am currently seeding
So I get a re-seed request for a torrent I am currently seeding (but with 0 activity), what's going on here? I have others that are actively uploading and this particular torrent has had activity in the past, confused. :crazy2:
RE: Riskiest place you had sex at?
Back of a bus in Mexico. I was in my early 20s and missed my bus from La Paz to Tijuana which is an overnight trip, they ended up putting me on a bus that had been chartered by the Boy Scouts. I got molested by one of those scouts that night.
RE: Addicted to Incest
What do you guys think?
Real brother/brother or cousin/cousin incest is hot if the guys are hot in the first place. Twins or triplets, fraternal or identical, makes it even hotter.
Father/son or father/stepson does absolutely zero for me, though, real or not.
this is how I feel
RE: Grindr fails to remove ethnicity filter after pledge to do so
political correctness gone crazy