so i was wondering what the uploader class was aboot ;D
saw it on the home page but could not find it in the FAQ or fourms
so i was wondering what the uploader class was aboot ;D
saw it on the home page but could not find it in the FAQ or fourms
I personally find it funny and sad for people that ask for seed bonus. Most of my downloads are from before the seed bonus system was up and I'm not going back to give out SBP, but I usually now a days give out SBP's. As for my upload's, I dont request sbp's since my ratio is high enough but I don't mind getting them ;D
Also random fact: I do help seed other people's torrents that they have uploaded that i have from a different site thats new to this site
laters :blind:
So within a week i will close down and delete all my accounts on the gay torrent sites (GTN,, and the email accts i have used for them.
I wish all the people who have thanked me well but I will now become like most people, anonymous.
Bye Jonathan
Edited by Leatherbear to disable live link
It would be cool if a column was added to our profile that tells how much sbp's have been given to each torrent
but other wise good job again
So I was browsing the forums (which I haven't done it in a long time)
and I notice certain staff have little quotes about me or have said random things about me. ::)
What deuce =D
This is hot, cool job admins :clap2: