You are comical.
From memory, the person i called an islamist tried to lie about what the quran said. He later admitted that its not what the quran said but what he wanted it to say.
Fascists use violence to get their way. They want to shut down free speech, not promote it. Sounds like modern liberals to me. Go back and read the threads here, conservatives denounced violence from both sides, but it took ages for any liberals to do the same and when they did it, they got crapped all over by their fellow liberals.
It's people like you that scream "fascist" at everyone you don't like, despite your own side being the true fascists.
Islam isnt a race, despite what liberals say. In the UK, one of the more famous muslims is a fat white ginger guy. Sinead OConnor is a muslim, so is Tony Blair's sister in-law. Lots of blacks and whites are muslims, as well as far east asians.
You are butt hurt because I say that being gay is against "the perfect word of god", according to what the quran says.
You refuse to explain how some muslims are "good" while others are "evil" when both cherry pick the bits they like from "the perfect word of god".
You claim Im the evil one, while your side smashes people over the head with bike locks, set occupied buildings on fire, torch an immigrant muslim's limo on fire that he used for work, smash shop windows, beat up elderly people and disabled people. You shout shit like "fuck your laws" while you commit crimes. Your side screams "NGGR" and other nasty names at black people that refuse to bow down to you. You scummy ass clowns support vile pieces of garbage like Jonathan "jessica" Yuniv, while hating on real trans-people like Blair White. Yuniv was is a massive racist and was found to have brought his discrimination cases against minority women, as well as his lovely social media posts, but you people kept licking his ass and defending him/her/it. You people believe that CIS white little fag boys can tell trans-people what they should believe and feel.
Your answer is nonsense. Madness, stigmatisation and racism is your way, may it be. But accept the fact you are submerging this website by your hatred and every other admin or moderator should ban you for spreading hate speeches for years. You are not above the laws.