Good luck! I'm sure you'll do well

Latest posts made by DemhaFeta
RE: Massive Macron Landslide! 65.1%
Oh there goes France, too-da-loo. You will be missed… but to be honest that was expected.
RE: Chechnya
…The majority of the countries in the world where homosexuality is illegal are predominantly Christian.
Hmm I'm pretty sure you're wrong. The majority of the countries in the world where homosexuality is illegal are predominantly MUSLIM. Please do some research before sharing an opinion. Also it's pretty funny how all of you liberals can dismiss people's accounts and personal experiences just because "it sounds islamophobic" even though it came from a muslim or an ex muslim. Like the user koliko6 literally said he's from kavkaz (the caucasus) a predominantly muslim region and that gays and minorites weren't treated well there and that he feels much safer among Chrsitians and all you did was downvote it DESPITE IT BEING A LEGITIMATE ACCOUNT OF HOW STUFF ARE IN THE REGION just so you can feel good about yourselves. Many liberals seem to forget an important thing, that the "poor unfortunate opressed" muslim immigrants and refugees in the west are actually the "OPPRESSORS" back home. If you really really want to help, don't dismiss such accounts and actually listen and see how you can actively help oppressed people there instead of doing what seems more tolerant and civil to YOU. That's why child brides are still a thing in Yemen, and why female genital mutilation is still a thing in Somalia, and why honor killings are still a thing in Pakistan, and why stoning is still a capital punishment in Iran despite it being so inhumane and so on…
RE: Chechnya
Tho it's true some media are not talking about this issue, it's far from not talked about, to the point that even (yesterday? Some days ago?) Chanceler Angela Merkel in live feed with Putin addressed it.
What do you expect people here to comment? The obvious this is fucked up line?
Also, let's differentiate from; what is muslim beliefs and where it leads, and what are personal beliefs of people. There are secular islamists that have parted ways with parts of the Coran and teaching because they understand secular concepts, just like christians did… you can't demand from brainwashed people to from a day to the other be healed of the poison they have been served... Plus it is true that the EU and USA fueled this issue with some imperialist tactics.
There are no secular islamists, one can't be secular and an islamist…. there are secular muslims though and they're pretty rare if you ask me. Just wanted to make that clear.
RE: Chechnya
That's a good point, koliko6.
A lot of people actually forget that these are federal subjects (republics) of Russia and that they do enjoy just about enough nominal autonomy and authority to oppress and discriminate without Russia intervening (but russia doesn't even care to intervene, not in this case anyway). -
RE: Swallowing VS Spitting
Depends if I had already came or not. Before cumming one could do anything or at least that's the case with me but after cumming I can't usually bring myself to swallow …
RE: Losing interest in gay porn
just realized i should've posted this at the "rants and raves" board… oh well
Losing interest in gay porn
So recently i have been losing interest in gay porn. When I watch some straight porn (which i prefer) I happen find the male models more attractive than the ones in gay porn .A thing that I love about straight porn is that there's something for everyone which isn't the case with gay porn, all the studios are getting similar and the difference between bareback sites and rubber porn is becoming less obvious since they all pull out. Hell even facials are getting rarer with time. And that really shows in studios that do both gay and straight material, like for example, their straight videos are much more hardcore and entertaining than the gay ones, i find the gay stuff too vanilla to be on a "hardcore site". That really sucks, I guess gay porn is getting too vanilla for my liking which is a shame cos i really used to enjoy it. Am I the only one that feels this way?