Summer abs contest (1000SBP)
Me and some friends on irc decided to make a contest where participants have to train for 10 months on their abs and after that post pictures here. After that the users will vote the most sexy abs. The winner will receive 1000 Seed Bonus Points and the looser will have to sing a song live on ventrilo (like a karaoke). You can also post before and after picture, talk about your diet and training and how hard it was or share other information. You will have to make a special pose when you take your picture so we avoid fakes (more info then). We will make a pool after the pictures are uploaded and only the users that are registered before the contest started are eligible to vote.
The true meaning of this contest is to have a motivation to start improving yourself in a competition spirit. The true prize will be the sexy abs that will break the heart or head of every gay boy you will meet.Users registered to this contest:
geoPost here if you want to participate. The list will close on 31 August.
only 3 omg, where are pictures?
true dat
some before pics and also some progress up to now pics would've been awesome
i myself am planning to get a 6pack back in the next 2 months since i kinda slacked lately
we want to see progress pics!