Can't load page / 404 Not Found
I was wondering if anyone else is experiencing a similar thing?
Recently I've not been able to browse the site/forum without the page timing out, or I only get about 10%-20% of the page content loaded.
Sporadically, I would get short spurts where the server would be fine for a few seconds (i.e. pages loading 100%), and then it would slow down and not respond altogether again.
When I do get around to downloading the .torrent files, I have no problem downloading from the tracker using my BT client.I believe this is different to the previous issue where the server was slow, because for quite some time after the system/server upgrade, everything was running perfectly fine (i.e. minimal latency).
This time round, pages are just timing out and not loading at all. I've tried browsing the site & forum using IE, Chrome and Opera, but all were experiencing the same thing. In IE and Chrome it's returning a "404 Not Found" error message.I couldn't find any recent post in the forum concerning this issue, so wanted to know whether its only an isolated issue affecting me.
Anyone? Any ideas/suggestion?
It's been like this now for a few weeks. I can't figure out why all of a sudden I can't connect to this site. It took me like 15 minutes (and many refresh) to post this reply -
Have you spoken with the helpdesk? It seems to be only you, make sure there is nothing blocking this specific website in your stats
It might help, if you modify your hosts file ( i.e. on a windows OS it is located at X:\Windows\system32\drivers\etc\ - please open the hosts file "as administrator" with notepad to change it ) with the following lines:
After saving your changes, please reboot.
Another solution is to change the DNS-Server, which might not be well configured in your network settings. Most users use the DNS-Servers from their internet provider ( automatic setup ), but these DNS-Servers sometimes don't update as often as they should. I prefer using the DNS-Servers from Google, because they are often updated and very stable. You'll find a guide to change the automatic settings here: hxxp://
Instead of using the automatic settings, you might choose the Google DNS-Servers ( hxxps:// ), which are:Primary DNS-Server: Alternative DNS-Server:
Let us know, if any of these solutions helped.
Thanks for the help guys, in particular to Speedmaster8 for his detailed response.
I didn't modify my hosts file, but I did change the DNS server. I'm not sure whether this made the difference.
I've been on holiday for a couple of weeks, and since my return, the site seems to be running at normal speed again.
Thanks again for all the suggestions