Porn Is Wonderful - Some simple thoughts
[First of all why isn't this all behind an actual login? Seems weird its all publicly online for anyone to read.]
My thoughts are ya know porn gets a bad rap sometimes. From being historically taboo etc etc. blah blah blah. I dont know how to define pornography, 'but I know when I see it'
Long time member of this site and just over time as Ive watched so many videos I realized its just simply a nice pleasant hobby of mine. I look at some almost artistically. I find it beautiful.
Time has made me appreciate the more raw human amateur stuff more than the professionally produced but all of it has their places. That has honestly been one of my favorite parts of being a member of this site is the random obscure, amateur and rare finds that people have put on here. Things that could have been lost to the winds of history but somehow survived from personal collections to be shared wide.
Porn has made me learn tolerance and understanding of others — no kink shaming etc. Not to mention bringing humans to a healthy core level of part of our main functions in life. Arguably when people ask about the meaning of life, I think its simply to 'reproduce'. Instinctually thats our drive, the body makes it overly rewarding in sensation. Luckily for us humans its fun and feels good and so should be elevated to a level of celebration of human sexuality.
Its an age old discussion and the fight of light and dark good and evil...subjective morality. Humans trying to separate themselves from nature as though we are above it all destined for some far off fairyland. But in reality its just here and now and the moments we all share together in our fleeting flash of a life we all just happen to collectively share simultaneously—(Chronocentrism aside) in what is arguably the most interesting threshold moment of human existence. Will we go on after our first abilities to obliterate eachother?
Hence why im enjoying my time. Im a humanist hedonist, maximizing pleasure and minimizing suffering for not just myself but those I can affect. Being conveniently an agnostic-atheist lets me roam free in my brain unafraid of my thoughts, unafraid of the almighty listening to my thoughts (while mental privacy is still a thing before technology rids us of it, enjoy it while it lasts)
One last thing... I had a great discussion with a police buddy of mine over drinks and he was blabbing about how bad porn is and ruining society and I said well actually big picture there's been lots of good that has come from porn. besides industry and financial and sexual health safety elements I pointed out how from the very advent of wide spread internet porn the cases of violent rapes and sexual assaults and rapes in general have gone down. That was according to my then known charts on Wikipedia which I pulled up and showed him to his amazement. It wasnt even slightly confusing at the time. I dont know the latest data but my mind has always curiously wondered if assaults and sexual deviancy would increase after porn saturated society. Either way its my belief that porn is beautiful in its many forms, artistic in some. Not even just purely sexual but just in a kind of fun way it can be enjoyable to watch. Although best done privately respecting societal norms which are logical. Unless youre in a Portland Oregon gay bar, buckle up theres hardcore on the screens
idk, just some thoughts.
@cp2000 would you kindly lecture me on what a non-violent rape looks like?
@ianfontinell-0 Theres many instances of 'rape' happening where the female isnt even doing anything or resisting even though its been made clear by her that she isnt consenting. The term 'violent rape' in my meaning is where someone is jumping out of the bushes and holding someone to the ground raping tf out of them violently quickly. Theres rapes that have been documented between married couples. Its not always a majorly 'violent' act. Some rapes are not so 'violent' yet still classified as rape. Theres a major distinction and even qualifies as mitigating or aggravating circumstances in court.