Harris Blames ‘Trump Abortion Ban’ for Death of Georgia Woman. But It Was Actually Abortion That Killed Her.
Woman had access to abortion pill & used it. Opposite of abortion ban.
OPPOSITE. Kamabla lies again!
In her final hours, Amber Nicole Thurman suffered from a grave infection that her suburban Atlanta hospital was well-equipped to treat.
She’d taken abortion pills and encountered a rare complication; she had not expelled all of the fetal tissue from her body. She showed up at Piedmont Henry Hospital in need of a routine procedure to clear it from her uterus, called a dilation and curettage, or D&C.
But just that summer, her state had made performing the procedure a felony, with few exceptions. Any doctor who violated the new Georgia law could be prosecuted and face up to a decade in prison.
Thurman waited in pain in a hospital bed, worried about what would happen to her 6-year-old son, as doctors monitored her infection spreading, her blood pressure sinking and her organs beginning to fail.
It took 20 hours for doctors to finally operate. By then, it was too late.
The Women Killed by the Dobbs Decision
She already had a 6-year-old son, and decided that she could not raise two more children. But she couldn’t get a termination in her home state. And so she scheduled a surgical abortion in North Carolina, took a day off work, hired a babysitter, borrowed a relative’s car on a false pretext, and got up at 4 a.m. to drive four hours with a friend to the clinic. But they hit traffic, and Thurman missed her appointment. The clinic could not give her another time slot, because so many women from out of state, also facing tough new laws, were booked on that day.
So Thurman was offered abortion pills instead. These are widely used and overwhelmingly safe and effective for early pregnancies. In less than 5 percent of cases, though, women need another dose, or a procedure called a dilation and curettage (D&C), to empty the uterus completely. In countries and states where abortion is legal, this is a simple and routine procedure that carries little risk.
But not in Georgia. Back home, Thurman’s bleeding would not stop. She went to the hospital at 6:51 p.m. on August 18, and medical examinations showed all the classic signs that her abortion was incomplete, and that the tissue remaining inside her was poisoning her blood. But doctors did not give her a D&C. Nor did they do so the next morning, as her condition continued to worsen. When she was finally taken to the operating theater, at 2 p.m., her condition was so bad that doctors started to remove her bowel and uterus.
But it was too late. Thurman’s heart stopped on the operating table.
"She’d taken abortion pills and encountered a rare complication" - Exactly. Abortion killed her.
"It took 20 hours for doctors to finally operate" - Sounds like doctors/hospital were wrong. If it was valid to give care at hour 20, it was valid to give care at hour 2 or 10.
Sounds like, hospital wants scapegoat for its malpractice.
You can see why..... Malpractice & wrongful death lawsuits can get expensive.
"she couldn’t get a termination in her home state" - and how is that President Trump's fault? It's not.
Talk to Georgia.
Trump has made clear: he favors abortion as an option, in many circumstances. Including, something goes bad & threatens mother's life. Yes.
So we return to where we started: Kamabla lies. Kamabla makes exactly-wrong kind of political hay, from poor woman's tragedy.
Dems will ALWAYS lie to suit their agenda.
If they can't get their way through lies, they will use violence.
Amber Nicole Thurman.
She died of 2 things,
medical malpractice
Libs - including her mom & Kamabla - want to exploit her death for politics, lie that she died of something political. Nope!
PS. Thurman's young twins died. Say their names!
Oh wait - Twins never got chance, to have names.
They died of abortion. With their mom, Amber Thurman. 3 deaths.
Opinion piece has more.
Amber Thurman’s cause of death is severe sepsis—a common side effect of mifepristone.....Before 2023 [it] had a black box warning that said: “WARNING: SERIOUS AND SOMETIMES FATAL INFECTIONS OR BLEEDING.”
...she apparently wasn’t warned [by the "clinic"]...
Malpractice right there.
It's also malpractice, that these "health care" (baby-killing) "clinics" don't give broad-spectrum antibiotics, along with mifepristone.
Sepsis-from-mifepristone is well known. Preventive antibiotics seem not only wise, but ethically required.
opportunity for malpractice lawyers
dilation and curettage...to remove the remains of her children in her womb...-isn’t illegal under Georgia’s pro-life law, since it isn’t an abortion-.
A D&C is only unlawful if its primary intention is to kill the baby. In this instance, the babies were already dead. Since the procedure wouldn’t have been abortive, -it would have been legal-.
Also, the doctors haven’t shared why they delayed the procedure. [Her doctors] didn’t blame Georgia’s pro-life law.
So, libs lie AGAIN
Amber Thurman didn’t die because of Georgia’s pro-life law. She didn’t die because of pro-life Christians. She died from complications of the abortion pill, given to her by the abortion industry. So the truth is, she died because of the abortion industry.
But [also,]...Amber Thurman died because of Amber Thurman...She isn’t the victim, her aborted twins are. She died from the same poison she used to murder her twins.
This horrific story is the same as a woman who accidentally drinks a fatal dose of poison after she kills her toddlers with that poison. She murdered her children and died as a result.
Yes. Of course, she didn't intend to die. But there it is.
It's sad especially because of another victim: Thurman's 6 year old son, who lost his mom.
This isn't Blame The Victim because, factually, victims were 2 unborn twins - remember, they had heartbeats - & 6 year old. They are all blameless.
Thurman + malpractice "clinic" + abortion industry, were perpetrators / killers.
Amber Thurman’s mother says her last words were: “Promise me you’ll take care of my son.”
Maternal instinct
Could that mean she repented, in her final moment?
Kamabla false statements, drive women AWAY from health care.
In other words: Kamabla harms women.
Sen. Lankford brings this out.
video - https://x.com/i/status/1854925721443127782
no USA woman faces any penalty for to get abortion
and no USA woman faces any penalty for to get actual health care.
But Kamabla suggested, women can be arrested!!! if they get abortion. Or health care for miscarriage & bad pregnancy.
Such ugly misinformation, spread by Kamabla, could drive women to NOT get health care.
@blablarg18 an abortion is malpractice.
All doctors must take the Hippocratic Oath. In that oath is this... so an abortion is clearly a violation of the Hippocratic Oath.
Yep, exactly.