Another case of we know who did it because they won't tell us
Yesterday, 29 July 2024, there was a stabbing attack at a kids' dance class in Southport UK.
2 dead kids
9 stabbed kids
2 stabbed adultsThere were many minor injuries (scraped knees, etc) as the kids were fleeing from the attacker.
The only thing we are being told is that the attacker is a 17yo male, who has been arrested.
We are also being told not to assume the motive or anything about the person who committed the attack.
We are also reminded that the UK has hate crime laws and specialist police units that look for that kind of thing.
All this adds up to he ain't white and it was probably an Islamic thing.
@raphjd I can understand not releasing the name of the attacker because they're technically a minor, but not releasing any information about the attacker that would reveal race or ethnicity tells me loud and clear that they are NOT white.
@MrMazda In the USA, if the crime involves murder, the suspect is tried as an adult and the name and photo protections are put aside.
However, the UK is more woke than the USA is.
How many people need to be stabbed and killed before they ban knives? At the very least, one should have to be 18 and have a background check to purchase a knife - and then they should be required to register them. (sarcasm)
3 died. Say their names: six-year-old Bebe King, seven-year-old Elsie Dot Stancombe and nine-year-old Alice Dasilva Aguiar
PS. No doubt, resident libs will have spasm of fake outrage where they call this thread, fake outrage.
Nigel Farage response video:
"Is the truth being withheld from us? Has something gone wrong in our once-beautiful country?"
Southport residents know score. They go to local mosque. Police protect mosque.
I'd call it "fiery but mostly peaceful".
Libs set that standard during BLM, right?
@blablarg18 said in Another case of we know who did it because they won't tell us:
Southport residents know score. They go to local mosque. Police protect mosque.
I wonder why mobs don't attack churches every time a horrific crime is committed by a Caucasian.
Actually, I don't. Collective punishment is something reserved for minorities. Very Kristallnacht.
You aren't very smart then.
There is rarely an "us vs them" element to white-on-white crime, except religion (ie Northern Ireland) or politics (ie Antifa, BLM, Democrats, etc).
It's like blacks don't riot when it's black-on-black crime. If they can blame it on a white person, even if the person isn't actually white, they will riot.
@raphjd said in Another case of we know who did it because they won't tell us:
"us vs them"
Therein lies the problem. When will humans (all of them) evolve? Are you saying that throwing rocks at a mosque because you THINK an attacker might have been Muslim is ok? Or just understandable?
I don't condone any kind of violence, nor do I believe in clairvoyance.
They're local. They know.
To stab 13 kids & parents, with more as witnesses, takes time. They saw who.
It's rest of us, who don't know - officially.
But to pretend they didn't see who, is typical @jaroonn gaslighting.
And what, you're not going to blame victims here? Why not? It's your thing. When President Trump was shot, you blamed his USA 2A "karma" (your word).
Oh wait you do blame them - you just said they were Nazis ie. "Very Kristallnacht"
Keep those New Lows comin'
I don't condone any kind of violence,
Sure you do. I've seen you, any number of times.
For 2nd example (after Trump mention) - re: Ukraine war, you've made clear you want it continued - what I call Team Bloodthirsty.
Pretty sure I've also seen you condone Antifa & BLM riots. Are all those things not "kinds of violence"?
nor do I believe in clairvoyance
Sure you do. You mind-read, all the time.
throwing rocks at a mosque because you THINK an attacker might have been Muslim
Right there
You don't know why they threw rocks - ie. if it might have been something much more narrow & justifiable, than you can see yet.
Because you have no idea what was going on, locally. You just say they're Nazis.
@jaroonn Your opinion is good. then, because an MP you like told you your opinion that you like to hear in a publication you like?
That explains it
@blablarg18 Right. Please go back to your in-depth Internet "research" where you read the eye witness accounts of Russian bots and fellow basement incels. Ignore the journalists on the ground, the police and everyone else that was actually involved.
You are a poster child for the far-right: dimwits fed misinformation. I understand why you this forum is so important for you. I can't imagine you have a lot of opportunity to air your views in public
"Please...." Surely even Clueless You gets it, by now, that I don't respect you enough to take your requests.
This thread shows why. You can't help gaslighting, mind-reading & lying, can you @jaroonn
@blablarg18 said in Another case of we know who did it because they won't tell us:
I don't respect you enough to take your requests.
Your reading comprehension needs development.
Trash taken out, back to topic.
Proles turn their outrage on Thought Police.
video -
So sad, that once-great UK comes to it.
Update. Southport killer's motive was race and/or religion (Islam).
Axel Rudakubana, Rwandan-Welsh. As a child, he had many interactions with mental health services, claimed(?) to be racially bullied. Was found with jihadi materials & plans for more crimes, like ricin attacks.
Rudakubana stabbed his White victims hundreds of times each, in extended lengthy torturous crime.
sounds unbelievable, but that is state of UK police response. "Fear of being labeled racist"
Keir Starmer & Co, tried to cover up a lot about Rudakubana. Referred to TRUE details as "misinformation" and "disinformation".
Locals very likely knew accurate details. yet, pathetic creepy @jaroonn here said locals were "Kristallnacht" ie. Nazi.
Labour blames...wait for it...knife sellers. Amazon
Things couldn't get dumber. Right?
But they do.
Labour media allies link knife sales to.... wait for it..... Donald Trump & Elon Musk's "Nazi salute" - that never even happened, & that libs, in any case, imagined -recently-.