Hi, there is nothing in the Archives from this studio. Has the site received a copyright complaint from them? I remember some - not many - videos from Englishlads in the past.
you aren't missing much... that site sucks
you might try searching on "English Lads" instead of "Englishlads"
The only performer they have that interests me is Jaden Hicks, and even he is not so great.
@DJ12345 The EL site owner is (used to be?) very active at having EL material removed.
@tnar Well.. I would like to thank him for getting his crap offline, so I don't have to weed through it. Same goes for FlavaWorks
Seems like the suckiest studios are also the one's that worry about their content being shared the most. They are blaming their poor sales on file sharing. Actually, file sharing establishes whether a studio is putting out good stuff or crap. The crappy studios don't want people to know that their content is crap.