I think it is quite ironic that the DEMOCRAT party used to be the exclusive party of the KKK, and is historically anti-gay, anti-black, etc. But NOW they pander for votes from every minority group by carefully coordinating what they decide to support as a block.
For instance, Senile Joe Biden used to be extremely racist, was a pal of KKK leader Senator Robert Byrd, was anti-busing, aggressively fought for segregation, etc. This is not just senile Joe, but virtually all democrats. I must mention that during her 2016 presidential bid, Senator Elizabeth "Pocahontas" Warren did a staged "spontaneous" spontaneous video with her husband, drinking a beer, in front of her refrigarator, and on top of her refrigerator was a figurine of a black boy with a massive toothy grin eating a giant wedge of watermelon. What a hypocrite! In fact, when the concept of gay marriage was being pushed, especially in California, it was the DEMOCRATS who were blocking it! Hillary, Obama, Biden.. you can find video of all of those hypocrites denouncing gay marriage... UNTIL they calculated that they could gain some votes by SUPPORTING gay rights. With all the misery and divorces, I am not so sure that even STRAIGHT people should be getting married! Perhaps instead of marriage, there should be a legal obligation for both parents to be financially responsible for any children they produce or adopt until the age of 18, and forget about the legal contract between the adult partners.
@lololulu19 Good points. The common element is: Dems always have race on the brain.
Race is the stupidest grouping out there... it doesn't mean squat... there are a few medical issues where you can group people by some genetic haplotype... or use haplotypes to inform historical studies... but haplotypes are not "race", not even close.
Take "Hispanic" or "Latin" race as an example - wtf is it? It ranges from wealthy porcelain-white blond Spanish colonial, to 100% Native American, all depending on 1) how Spanish-y or Portuguese-y your speaking voice is and 2) what you yourself decide.
Blue-eyed Irish - the descendants of shipwrecked Spanish Armada sailors - could legit claim to be Latinx minority.
The point is: not only are libs / Dems obsessed with grouping & dividing people, they find the dumbest, least meaningful ways to go about it.
The modern Democratic Party is not the same party as the pre-1970's Democratic Party due to shifting demographics. For a better explanation, see:
History Channel Article Explaining How the Parties Changed over Time