Changing android phone service provider - HOW?
I have a fairly expensive smartphone - The Samsung Galaxy A42 5G.
I was forced to purchase a service plan from StraightTalk (aka Tracphone)
That plan limits me to a pitiful 5 gigs of hotspot data per month! That is not enough. They don't offer a plan with more gigs.
There are OTHER plans - some of which have UNLIMITED hot spot data. I can go through 5 gb in less than an hour.How do I change my plan? I think I may be locked iin for a year, but after that year, then how do I change the plan?
I'm thinking of changing my smartphone provider to Mint - owned by actor Ryan Reynolds, because he is cute! (and cheap!)
@lololulu19 StraightTalk plans are a favorite of older customers who use a modest number of calls and minutes, because they are thrifty and/or feel they don't have to impose their long-winded problems on unlucky recipients.
Why not learn your plan parameters on "lock-ins" before asking for advice? Then, there are so many reputable online reviews -- Consumer Reports ad infinitum -- once you know what your contract allows. Or, break it.
Not everyone uses their monthly data to hunt for porn at hot spots in public, family-friendly places -- McDonald's, the library -- it's an issue that is equal parts off-putting and sad.
There's no secret to changing providers, just take your phone to the provider you want and tell them that you want to change, they'll fix it for you.
As for your current contract, most contracts that lock you is because your bought your phone with the plan, so for most you just need to pay whatever is left of the phone and you're good to go.