Gay language?
More than anything, my intention is to know the language that is used within the gay community, you know, to discreetly flirt or say things related to sex but without being so specific. For example: that they have made you a "rey de reyes" (I don't know how this expression would be translated, but I understand that it is double penetration). Another example: once in a bar (straight) a guy came up to me to tell me if I liked a drink, and when I told him I didn't know it he left half indignant. The thing is, a friend told me some time later that this is a subtle form of flirting that I didn't understand. In my defense, I think it was not very clear, but I do not know about you.
Do you know any form of flirting that makes life easier for first-time gays, or any expression that they have been told that at first they did not understand and when they had more experience in the world it was very evident?