South Africa Liberals "Kill Whites!" DESTROY the Country in a Day. Now stand in line for MILES for Food.
This is the mentality that is coming to American Democrat-run cities soon. This is the outcome of the riots that have already caused billions in damages against their own neighbors and small businesses. Liberals are scum. They are planning on taking down the grid and giving you a Mark of the Beast banking microchip based on the FAKE Covid pandemic. They are not your friends, though liberals THINK BLM and ANITFA are NOT funded by them (Soros types). They are planning to decimate the big cities. This is the Apocalypse. South Africa is a test run for America.
But, the lower states will secede from Biden's planned holocaust. If you stay in the big democrat cities, which have the worst pollution on purpose (to promote the world bank dictator's tax on breathing air), the worst education scores (to keep people dumb so they can control them with critical race theory that causes blacks to hate whites and incites civil war), the worst violence (to justify disarming and leaving the people defenseless), the worst of everything... you will die. The writing is on the wall. The Democratic Party is in bed with globalist billionaires who only care about money and power and the idea that you think those kind of people give a shit about you is nonsense and you are delusional. BLM and ANTIFA are FUNDED by SOROS, a white billionaire who said he enjoyed killing people as a youth.
You couldn't be more wrong, sorry.
White lives DO NOT matter.
I keep pointing out that modern liberals took their lead from Charles Manson. He wanted a race war which the black will win, but he thought that blacks are too stupid to run things for themselves so they would need him and his "family" to rule over them.
I wish liberals would move to South Africa and other places so they can be killed and be a martyr to their cause.
The US is so evil, yet liberals won't move to one of their beloved shitholes.