Historic LGBTQ rights bill passes — after exposing GOP divisions
I usually take what yahoo writes with a grain of salt (didn't realize how extreme left they were until about a year before). But... Just to put it out there......
@ricky That would be a complicated discussion. I actually brought this up in my therapy group. It's a mixed bag from many angles. I personally feel that all of this is for show. They only want to look like their doin' something. "Show what an asshole Tramp was." The other thing in my opinion, all this LGBT bullshit is only coming out because they have no intention on closing that fucking boarder, and they need something on paper to say "ok boyz and girlz," play nice, and hands off the queers!
The pros are that we would be officially protected from getting fired and getting evicted. But in reality, that really doesn't mean shit. Because an evil fuck will always find a way to disguise their despicable homophobia as something else. The other reality, I think this can hurt gays more who are trying to get in the work force now, a pose to a gay person who's already established on their job/field. So, in other words, we may be protected from getting fired, but that doesn't mean we're gonna get anymore jobs either. But, I guess something is better than nothing.
I didn't finish reading the article, but it looks like the only big stink the republicans are making is, taking away the religious right to discriminate against us due to their beliefs. This is something that needs to stop once and for all. A group of religious fucks can be ok with harshly discriminating against LGBT people, up to the point of effecting our livelihood, but then cry tears of sorrows if they feel their faith is being attacked. Fuck them.
@ricky Well, one thing is for sure, nothing gets a Homophobic person of power attention, than paying big penalty fees. But, we need to see the bigger picture here. We need to keep an eye on automation. These companies aren't hiring human beings anymore. With every emailed question, is followed by a random script. With every phone call, there's hours of button selection, to then listen to a 10 minute recording. This is why we have no fucking business letting massive immigrants in to this country. I'm really concerned about the level of devastation this is going to have in our country. The whole of United states could end up looking like Detroit.
@ricky I guess technically it can. I just placed it as news because it's from yahoo news.
@anythingold said in Historic LGBTQ rights bill passes — after exposing GOP divisions:
But, we need to see the bigger picture here. We need to keep an eye on automation. These companies aren't hiring human beings anymore. With every emailed question, is followed by a random script. With every phone call, there's hours of button selection, to then listen to a 10 minute recording. This is why we have no fucking business letting massive immigrants in to this country. I'm really concerned about the level of devastation this is going to have in our country. The whole of United states could end up looking like Detroit.
This is not new - the Information Age is changing us (our society) in many of the same ways the Industrial Revolution did...
- The industrial revolution created machines that could harvest entire fields in a matter of hours, not days.... and it only took 1 man! Where would all the displaced farm workers go?
- The Information Age is replacing a lot of "menial task" jobs (some fast-food places are experimenting with AI-driven order takers... and if you've looked inside a McDonalds or Burger King lately, there isn't a huge grill anymore... those "cooks" have been largely replaced by automation already)... you mention call centers, but computer "front-ends" are being used more and more for handling all kinds of customer-service jobs.
Where will all of those displaced workers go? I don't know, but I do know that our economy consistently expands and creates new kinds of jobs - for new skills, as well as unskilled labor.
Love them or hate them, but our Economic Boom under Presidents Obama and Trump was unprecedented... until COVID, we were breaking all the rules: continuous expansion, continuous declines in unemployment across nearly all groups... we'd never EVER done that before, at least not for more than just a few years, and it'd always "burned itself out"...
You may be fearful of immigrants taking jobs, but I look at it differently.... once COVID is finally managed, and the economy once again starts to expand, we're going to be limited in our growth by the available workforce... and when that happens, there will be wage - and therefore overall - inflation.
Now, in the middle of a pandemic, is not a good time for migration - but, once the economy starts up again, we're going to need people! Doing what? I don't know - but that's the beauty (and genius) of Capitalism: we don't have to plan it! We just let it "grow organically"!
The system works! It's taken us hundreds of years to learn how to manage it properly (to avoid the lurches forward and backward), and we FIRST had to learn that it had to be managed at all! PLUS, we most certainly have more to learn about it!
But, we know how to do this! Post-COVID, we'll do it again!
A rising tide lifts all boats!