Gender reveal cause El Dorado CA wildfire
Ignorant, selfish people caused this wildfire without thinking about what could happen in an area well known for wildfires.
Ignorant, selfish people caused this wildfire without thinking about what could happen in an area well known for wildfires.
I totally agree. I lived for a while in California, and in most jurisdictions fireworks are prohibited–even for the July 4 Independence Day.
Unfortunately, this doesn't surprise me, as "gender reveal" parties seem very self-obsessed: Hey Karen, we know you're pregnant, and we're perfectly happy to wait until birth to find out the gender--that's some of the excitement of it. "Gender reveal" parties seem to be more about the pregnant couple than their baby, and that doesn't bode well for the kid's upbringing. (The gender revealed can also be wrong; one can do an ultrasound image of a male foetus and miss that little appendage that gives away the gender.)
But above all, let the record show that Brother Raphjd and I concur on this point. That doesn't happen very much...although I imagine that if we sat down over a beer we'd fine plenty in common.
Maybe today's events will give that stupid couple a few ideas for a name… :blownose:
Oh crap that is really sad that someone died over this.