Republican-Led Senate Panel Details Ties Between 2016 Trump Campaign and Russia
WASHINGTON — A sprawling report released Tuesday by a Republican-controlled Senate panel that spent three years investigating Russia’s 2016 election interference laid out an extensive web of contacts between Trump campaign advisers and Russian government officials and other Russians, including some with ties to the country’s intelligence services.
Leftist media claiming Russian collusion.
Sarah Jeong isn't a racist according to the NYT.
Leftist media claiming Russian collusion.
It's important to distinguish between "interference" and "collusion." All of the US intelligence agencies have evidence that Russian entities interfered with the 2016 election in the US. The Mueller investigation, and the cited article, say that there isn't sufficient evidence to bring criminal charges against Mr Trump for actively conspiring with the interfering Russian entities.
Sarah Jeong isn't a racist according to the NYT.
How is that relevant to this topic?
There was no collusion with Trump and Russia. You guys had your chance and for over two years you wasted millions of dollars investigating Trump on information that they now admit was a total lie. Clinesmith is the first domino to fall. He ADMITTED that they lied. Let it go. There's nothing there. The only collusion was Hillary and the DNC paying Russian agents for a fake dossier to interfere in the election. It was the DNC that interfered, and that's the only fact in the case. I don't care if you like Trump or not, the Democrats literally and factually committed TREASON. Sore losers need to talk about their plan rather than just Orange Man Bad all the time. You aren't swaying ANYONE with rehashed false crap.
There was no collusion with Trump and Russia. You guys had your chance and for over two years you wasted millions of dollars investigating Trump on information that they now admit was a total lie. Clinesmith is the first domino to fall. He ADMITTED that they lied. Let it go. There's nothing there. The only collusion was Hillary and the DNC paying Russian agents for a fake dossier to interfere in the election. It was the DNC that interfered, and that's the only fact in the case. I don't care if you like Trump or not, the Democrats literally and factually committed TREASON. Sore losers need to talk about their plan rather than just Orange Man Bad all the time. You aren't swaying ANYONE with rehashed false crap.
Productive forum comments stick to issues and facts. References to other people suggest that the only tactic one has is name-calling, and that's rarely persuasive.
As for facts…it is helpful to know the definition of the word "treason" before using it.
Yea right. It was treason pal. Clinesmith ADMITTED that he altered a document and pled guilty. The whole FBI leadership and the Obama admin KNEW. It's obvious and he's the first domino. They literally altered documents to say the OPPOSITE of the truth. That's TREASON. Ok? It's big time buddy. You may not be able to swallow the reality right now, but you will. Because Obama Gate just got blown wide open.
How is Sarah Jeong being racist related to this story? SERIOUSLY?!
It's about NYT's dishonesty and blatant bias.
As a point of order, treason as a federal offence in the US can be defined in one of two ways:
US Constitution Art. 3, Sect. 3:
Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.
United States Code 18 USC 115:2831
Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason.
If someone is said to have committed treason, then one of these situations would need to apply. The prevailing interpretation is that "enemy" refers to an entity against which a war is declared. This has not been the case in the US since August 1945.
Yea, TREASON is when you plot to OVERTHROW a DULY ELECTED PRESIDENT, and CONTINUE to SPY on his camp even AFTER he was in office (the HIGHEST Office), based on FABRICATED LIES (ADMITTED NOW). That's what treason is… just FYI
Legal Definition means squat. A jury can over rule ANYTHING. If the government says taxes are voluntary and mandatory for instance, like in Minnesota, the Grand Jury can refuse to convict. I don't care what politicians or judges say, because the right to interpret the law is up to the PEOPLE. A human being is defined as a monster depending on which dictionary you use. Treason is when you swear an oath to uphold the law, and then you deliberately try to undo the will of the people. Everyone knows that. I don't give a shit about what your legal definition says, and there are MANY legal dictionaries. But in regard to your definition from the Constitution, yes, this is war against the people, because they deliberately violated the oath they swore TO the people. This is OBVIOUS. Get it together.