Getting pregnant
Hi everybody,
we've just agreed with a long-term friend (a girl) to have a baby. I am gay and I live in a relationship.
What is the best (natural) way, how to get pregnant without having a sexual intercourse?Thanks for the tips!
That all depends on how much money you want to spend and where in the world you live.
The cheapest way is for one or both to just fuck your friend.
The second cheapest way is to use a turkey baster.Insemination clinics prices are all over the place and range from 2500 USD for just a quick turkey baster in the office type insemination all the way up to 100K for gene splicing of both fathers sperm to the egg.
But you also have to take into account the legal merits and weights of each one.
Artificial insemination doesn't carry much weight in any court, even when a contract is signed. The mother can back out and take the child without much fuss. Whereas if the act was created naturally at home with natural sex, both parents are seen as equal.
All of our sons were created naturally with either a friend or someone who did it for money or citizenship. Our youngest was done through experimentation that worked exactly how I was taught while working on a cattle ranch.
Whatever you guys choose, best of luck.
if there is no problem with the girl then just have sex or go to IV clinics.
if there is no problem with the girl then just have sex or go to IV clinics.
The original poster made it very clear that the woman they were "partnering" with for pregnancy was a platonic friend, and he wanted to gain information on how to move forward without having sexual intercourse.
Do you truly read other people's posts before you give out useless advice?