Should I worry ?
I started to notice one thing about myself.
I go to the gym… and it's killing me. Okay, when I do my routine I usually close my eyes and just focus on something. When I have a break I will just look around or do something on my phone. But I just can't stop looking at guys. And it's totally killing me. I'm not that of a pervert or something. Didn't do anything nasty in my life. Only go to dates with eventual sex, no hook ups. But I really noticed that THERE IS a problem. Well not to me, but like I would confess it to myself pfff. I really take a lot of time in the locker room. I just change my clothes slowly to be there more than I need to. I would just peek at the guys, if they are back to me I would just admire their muscles and when somebody takes off their pants ... God. No way I won't look. I'm totally discreet but I just can't help but do it. When I go to the showers I take my pants off and swing my penis around. HAHA. Okay not this much but I don't see a problem in like you know showing off my butt... <which is="" pretty="" good="" by="" the="" way="">. This gym doesn't seem to care. But the other gym I was in the guys went to showers with their pants on and they would only take them off to shower. I'm like fuck that I just go with a towel and a shampoo. Don't need any more of a luggage. I also like to you know spend some time in the shower. They are sepereated with walls but you can see cause they don't have doors. I would sometimes look at my neighbors somewhere in my sight or just you know have a good time putting shower gel on my body rubbing it everywhere. My ex as far as I know (but he was a liar so God, I don't know now if that was true or not too lol) he took me to something like Palm Springs. You know a resort and it was like Greek Style and it was all nude and stuff. And he said that nudity is not a big of a deal for him. Well I don't blame him he was carved like ancient God himself and had such a big dong. But he just didn't take it as personally as I did. And he said those people don't too. That this was a kind of region when something like this was normal. I can't be indifferent to nudity. I can't pass a hot guy and just not look at him in a way of you know... and not take a longer look. I wonder where does it come from and should I worry about it. I'm not doing anything bad okay ? I'm not taking pictures, it's not voyeurism I guess and nothing harmful. But I just wonder... what should I do about it ?</which> -
from what i can understand. No. its perfectly natural. if i understood your long long long long sentence correctly.
its more of comfort in being naked and being vulnerable than anything else.
Eye candy is always nice even in the Wet areas, especially if its that kind place :surprise:
but otherwise treat it like the japanese do in regards to Onsen and nudity with other peoples in a bathroom (Or hot water baths/spring) and just be you and respectful.hope this helps?
youll be fine dont worry :cheesy2: