Peacefulness and calmness.
Well, he is a liberal.
It's the libtards who are responsible for all the discord and not getting along.
The election is over. The republicans have won control of everything:
The executive Branch
The Senate
The House of Representatives
The Supreme CourtAnd yet they haven't passed a single piece of legislation. Really makes you wonder who the adults are.
That is mostly Paul Ryan's fault. I don't know why they don't replace him as House Leader. He is wishy-washy at best.
For the user who started this thread, hopefully you can see by now that it just isn't possible. A Congressman was nearly assassinated and is still in critical condition and it did nothing to change this forum. There was a call for 24 hours of civility on that issue, yet threads were still made trying to politicize the situation. If we can't even do 24 hours of civility then there is no civility in this forum. It's sad but it's the truth at this point. I wholly disagree with every single thing Steve Scalise stands for, yet I would never support violence against him and I refuse to engage in partisan bickering over his attempted assassination. That is disgusting behavior and beneath the acceptable level of civility in my opinion.
Yeah, and the left label ALL conservatives as racists, Nazis and everything else they can think of.
One of the people that lied about me finally "apologized". That apology was full of excuses and insults. This is the mentality of liberals.
They refuse to condemn the vile actions of their own, but are more than willing to flame those that talk about it. This tells me that they are happy with these vile acts.
i'm happy with YOUR vile acts…..YOU are the pussy that was insulted for a lie that i posted about you..YES i admit that i told a lie about you lol
and what does politics have to do with me lying??? full of excuses and insults??? you are so full of shit that if i was to meet you face to face..i would whoop your ass or kill your bitch ass! YOU are acting like a child...not me! i apologized plenty of times for lying yet you are holding onto a grudge like a spoiled little bitch! you post RACIST shit about my people but yet "suspend" my account because i hit you with TRUTH!!!! do me a favour you assclown...if you hate me that much then PERMABAN me you dick! it's republicans like you who can't stand that a college educated "nigga" like me hit you with the truth!!! you know what....NO I'M NOT SORRY FOR YOU CALLING ME A FAGGOT NIGGER!!!! YOU DID IT and you deserve to be banned!!!! you can suspend me for 1,2,3,4,5 hell 20 days lol...i can't download torrents but i can still voice my opinion on your fourms you asshole!!! the more racist shit you type on these fourms i will hit back! i guess because that i'm a nigger iyo that i'm vile....but what about a cracker like are the worse of the worse! and PERMABAN ME!!! i don't give a fuck...extend my suspension...i don't give a fuck! hell, disable my account...i don't give a fuck...but if i'm able to still post on these fourms then i will not be silenced while you rant and insult my people and my heritage!!! you asshole have met your match!!! and i am now your worse nightmare!!!! LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!!! oh and i'm enjoying my "vacation" lol! you just proved me right that the longer you keep me on "suspension/vacation" that you is letting me get to you and guess what...i'm enjoying it!!!! so...keep using politics to insult me while i hit you with the truth every time you spew out your racist insults toward my people! your "suspension" kept me from uploading and downloading but i can still post on the forums and bitchslap your cracker ass everytime you insult my people,my party,and blm! is your cracker ass a part of WLM,PLM, THE NAZI PARTY,or any pro-white movement? i call you a cracker just like you call my people niggers everytime you post your stupid racist rants on this forum! didn't the forums state that "we have the RIGHT to post what we want" no matter how INSULTING it might be and "some people might be "OFFENDED" by some of the posts on the forums....i guess YOU did not see that and decided to suspend a man for giving his opinion! the way you carry yourself..i bet you are a fat,slimy,little dick,child molester,cracker who's obsessed with pissing people off but hates to get pissed off himself and i feel sorry for your mother who had to carry your nasty ass for the 49 years you lived on this earth and if she's dead...good for her! and i bet your father is pissed that he spilled his seed in her coochie to have your nasty slimy bitch ass and if he's dead...good for him! :cheers: SEE...don't like it when you are being insulted and ridiculed. >:D ;D :fight: :bithfight: :balls2: :afraid: :alarm: :xpl: oooh...i'm crying that i'm suspended...lmfao!!! can't wait for the and if i don't get!Flaming, threats of violence, etc, etc, etc
This post is AMAZING. Quoted for posterity.
For the user who started this thread, hopefully you can see by now that it just isn't possible. A Congressman was nearly assassinated and is still in critical condition and it did nothing to change this forum. There was a call for 24 hours of civility on that issue, yet threads were still made trying to politicize the situation. If we can't even do 24 hours of civility then there is no civility in this forum. It's sad but it's the truth at this point. I wholly disagree with every single thing Steve Scalise stands for, yet I would never support violence against him and I refuse to engage in partisan bickering over his attempted assassination. That is disgusting behavior and beneath the acceptable level of civility in my opinion.
Dude, why don't you just say what you really want to say. You hate Frederick. It's his fault for all the incivility here. He made a naughty post correctly pointing out the link between the hate-environment the left media has created and people feeling they have no choice but to resort to violence against conservatives. Despite everyone, deep down, knowing it to be true. It hurts your fee-fees that he doesn't make his point in a PC manner.
In the other thread you said:
Also it wasn't a Republican event, it was practice for an event that brings Republicans and Democrats together.
The shooter asked targets if they were Republican or Democrat first, and only shot Republicans.
Therefore, I will not be participating in any of the discussions on the shooting. It's pointless bickering if you're only going to call people names and not even defend why you have the position you have.
Yet here you are, discussing it. "A Congressman was nearly assassinated and is still in critical condition." Do you see how it comes off as hypocritical and facetious?
Yeah, and the left label ALL conservatives as racists, Nazis and everything else they can think of.
I consider myself part of "the left" and you don't see me "labeling ALL conservatives as racists, Nazis", and so forth and I never have. There are people who may identify as conservatives and racist and/or Nazis, but certainly not all of them. I do find it rather ironic, however, that you have an issue when people on "the left" doing this (and rightfully so, as stereotyping is indeed a problem), yet you constantly label all liberals and people on the left as doing, being, or saying certain things.
Personally, I avoid rhetoric such as "liberals/leftists are this" and "conservatives/rightists do that." Do you know why? Because it creates and perpetuates an "us vs. them" mentality that ignores and takes away from the truth. Not all liberals are the same, and not all conservatives are the same. There are varying beliefs, values, and ideas among a group. Painting every member of a group with a broad brush ignores this and is not productive; it only makes things more toxic. There are people on all sides, right, left, and in between, however, that do this unfortunately.
Furthermore, different groups can share things in common. For instance, there are both people on the left and right that support selling weapons to Saudi Arabia, and there are people on both sides that oppose this. We may be on different sides, but the two of us both agree that sending weapons to Saudi Arabia is problematic.
There are people on both sides that support same-sex marriage, and there are people on both sides that don't. Both sides have people that commit acts of terrorism and both sides have people that act peacefully and respectfully. The main issue is not about which side is more violent, irrational, etc. but rather, the fact that people are being violent, irrational, etc, because both have been violet and it's a serious problem no matter who does it. When you make a statement about how liberal, moon-bats, conservatives, republicans, etc. say this, believe that, or do whatever, you imply that they are all members of that are the exact same as each other, and that is simply not true. This forum would be significantly more peaceful if we ALL made an effort to avoid stereotyping and labeling.
Yeah, and the left label ALL conservatives as racists, Nazis and everything else they can think of.
I consider myself part of "the left" and you don't see me "labeling ALL conservatives as racists, Nazis", and so forth and I never have. There are people who may identify as conservatives and racist and/or Nazis, but certainly not all of them. I do find it rather ironic, however, that you have an issue when people on "the left" doing this (and rightfully so, as stereotyping is indeed a problem), yet you constantly label all liberals and people on the left as doing, being, or saying certain things.
Personally, I avoid rhetoric such as "liberals/leftists are this" and "conservatives/rightists do that." Do you know why? Because it creates and perpetuates an "us vs. them" mentality that ignores and takes away from the truth. Not all liberals are the same, and not all conservatives are the same. There are varying beliefs, values, and ideas among a group. Painting every member of a group with a broad brush ignores this and is not productive; it only makes things more toxic. There are people on all sides, right, left, and in between, however, that do this unfortunately.
Furthermore, different groups can share things in common. For instance, there are both people on the left and right that support selling weapons to Saudi Arabia, and there are people on both sides that oppose this. We may be on different sides, but the two of us both agree that sending weapons to Saudi Arabia is problematic.
There are people on both sides that support same-sex marriage, and there are people on both sides that don't. Both sides have people that commit acts of terrorism and both sides have people that act peacefully and respectfully. The main issue is not about which side is more violent, irrational, etc. but rather, the fact that people are being violent, irrational, etc, because both have been violet and it's a serious problem no matter who does it. When you make a statement about how liberal, moon-bats, conservatives, republicans, etc. say this, believe that, or do whatever, you imply that they are all members of that are the exact same as each other, and that is simply not true. This forum would be significantly more peaceful if we ALL made an effort to avoid stereotyping and labeling.
We should be discussing issues here, not the mental capacity re lack thereof of the people espousing one view or another. Those who want to insult one group in general should take their posts to another forum ?Rants and Raves? or form their own forum. Let's clean up our act here.Guidance and strong positive leadership from the moderator would be appreciated. ;D
Discuss politics and debate world issues
That's the by-line of this section.
Discussing left vs right falls into that.
Yeah, and the left label ALL conservatives as racists, Nazis and everything else they can think of.
I consider myself part of "the left" and you don't see me "labeling ALL conservatives as racists, Nazis", and so forth and I never have. There are people who may identify as conservatives and racist and/or Nazis, but certainly not all of them. I do find it rather ironic, however, that you have an issue when people on "the left" doing this (and rightfully so, as stereotyping is indeed a problem), yet you constantly label all liberals and people on the left as doing, being, or saying certain things.
I can see what you're saying, but the racism and bigotry of the left is mainstream and institutional. How am I supposed to interpret that?
Discuss politics and debate world issues
That's the by-line of this section.
Discussing left vs right falls into that.
I'm not saying don't discuss left and right wing issues; I'm saying that there are differences in beliefs, values, etc within political groups, and that labeling every member of the group with a broad brush dismisses this, which only causes more problems.
I can see what you're saying, but the racism and bigotry of the left is mainstream and institutional. How am I supposed to interpret that?
I've seen both sides, left and right, perpetuate institutionalized racism. The prison complex and the racist war on drugs are a few examples. We can also look at more specific instances of racist actions and comments, like Hillary Clinton's "super predator" comments, or Jeff Sessions undermining civil rights enforcement by turning away consent decrees.
This isn't a competition about who is more racist or bigoted. It's problematic no matter who is responsible. Have an issue with anyone institutionalizing racism and bigotry of course, but also understand that if someone does such a thing it doesn't mean that everyone in their group agrees with them or would do the same thing. If a person from the left does something racist, it does not mean that everyone on the left is racist or would do the same thing or do anything racist for that matter. This also applies to if someone on the right does something racist.
For the user who started this thread, hopefully you can see by now that it just isn't possible. A Congressman was nearly assassinated and is still in critical condition and it did nothing to change this forum. There was a call for 24 hours of civility on that issue, yet threads were still made trying to politicize the situation. If we can't even do 24 hours of civility then there is no civility in this forum. It's sad but it's the truth at this point. I wholly disagree with every single thing Steve Scalise stands for, yet I would never support violence against him and I refuse to engage in partisan bickering over his attempted assassination. That is disgusting behavior and beneath the acceptable level of civility in my opinion.
Dude, why don't you just say what you really want to say. You hate Frederick. It's his fault for all the incivility here. He made a naughty post correctly pointing out the link between the hate-environment the left media has created and people feeling they have no choice but to resort to violence against conservatives. Despite everyone, deep down, knowing it to be true. It hurts your fee-fees that he doesn't make his point in a PC manner.
In the other thread you said:
Also it wasn't a Republican event, it was practice for an event that brings Republicans and Democrats together.
The shooter asked targets if they were Republican or Democrat first, and only shot Republicans.
Therefore, I will not be participating in any of the discussions on the shooting. It's pointless bickering if you're only going to call people names and not even defend why you have the position you have.
Yet here you are, discussing it. "A Congressman was nearly assassinated and is still in critical condition." Do you see how it comes off as hypocritical and facetious?
I didn't say no one should talk about it, I said we should attempt to be civil for at least 24 hours. Do you know what civil means? It doesn't mean not discussing the matter at all. And a Congressman was nearly assassinated and is still in critical condition. What's political about that? How am I a hypocrite by stating what happened and why we all should have been more civil for at least 24 hours after the shooting happened? You're so quick to take a shot at me that you clearly didn't read my responses carefully. Also, you have no idea what you're talking about in relation to me and Frederick. I have talked to him in private on here through inbox messages, something I have not done with you so you have no room to say who I hate or don't hate. I would advise you to leave me alone after this. I'm not going to further explain anything to someone who clearly has no intention on understanding anything I say.
I didn't say no one should talk about it, I said we should attempt to be civil for at least 24 hours.
You said: "Therefore, I will not be participating in any of the discussions on the shooting."
I'm not going to further explain anything to someone who clearly has no intention on understanding anything I say.
I'm simply showing you that you pretended to take the high road by saying you won't discuss it in the previous thread, but then just going ahead and discussing it in this thread, in a backhanded manner to boot. What you said wasn't that complicated, so I'm pretty sure I understood what you said.
I didn't say no one should talk about it, I said we should attempt to be civil for at least 24 hours.
You said: "Therefore, I will not be participating in any of the discussions on the shooting."
I'm not going to further explain anything to someone who clearly has no intention on understanding anything I say.
I'm simply showing you that you pretended to take the high road by saying you won't discuss it in the previous thread, but then just going ahead and discussing it in this thread, in a backhanded manner to boot. What you said wasn't that complicated, so I'm pretty sure I understood what you said.
I said that I would not be participating AFTER THE FACT. READ THE TIME STAMPS. You are conflating different things I said at VERY different times to try to prove your wrong point. My very first post on this issue was asking users on here to please wait 24 hours before making the discussion toxic. When that didn't happen, I called it out and then much later I said I would no longer participate. You are twisting the context of my posts and the times at which I made them to fit your wrong point and it's sad. Since I won't sling filth on this topic like others have, you're coming at me to start something else and I'm not going for it. If you continue to reply to me or address me, I will reply with: :spam: because I have nothing else to say to you.
Discuss politics and debate world issues
That's the by-line of this section.
Discussing left vs right falls into that.
Yes, but discussing left vs right should not include words like moonbat, libt***, Nazi, fascist, etc. etc. We have all been guilty of that.
Yes, but discussing left vs right should not include words like moonbat, libt***, Nazi, fascist, etc. etc. We have all been guilty of that.
I was ONLY responding to the idea that certain topics should be moved to "rants & raves".
Yes, but discussing left vs right should not include words like moonbat, libt***, Nazi, fascist, etc. etc. We have all been guilty of that.
I was ONLY responding to the idea that certain topics should be moved to "rants & raves".
The vitriol is not left vs right. Those who simply want to hurl insults should move to another forum.
Actually, it is very left vs right. Just look at the election. Look at the aftermath.