What is your nationality and what ethnicity are you most attracted to?
I'm Brazilian and slavic and nordic are the two ethnicities which attract me most.
What about you guys?
:crazy2: :crazy2: :crazy2: :crazy2:
Every-single-one of them, but mostly greek, dutch, , czech, german [and a very bog soft spot for black men (regardless of origin)]
I'm Argentinian and I'm mostly attracted to Mid-Eastern men.
i am australian and i don't really have a preference. i've been with several different nationalities :blind:
I'm African American and I have to say I love guys of all ethnicities but really love short Asian and white guys with a big booty.
i dont know why but germans and nordics ( probably the accent) got me all fuzzy ! xD
Biracial Black and Japanese
Ethnicity has never been an issue, with attractions to, and relationships and “hook-ups” with a mix of guys and girls.
The attraction for me usually comes as a result of the other person having an interest in me. Being relatively shy and insecure, I’ve seldom been the one to make the advances, never having done so with any of the men.
Men have been Italian, Filipino, and of the “White” guys, Polish and German the only two nationalities I’m sure of.
A little more variation with the females who have been Black, White, Italian, Puerto Rican, and biracial Black and Filipino, Black and White, Black and German, and Black and French.
So, the range is pretty open as to what’s most likely to catch my eye, or turn my head–totally open, and equal across the board when it comes to women. With the guys though, that same broad range would be equal, with “White” and someone who “looks” like me at opposite ends of that range.
I'm Polish mixed with Asian. I'm attracted to Polish, slavic men but also brits and americans. Actually fuck, nordic and germans too. Ok well… probably all europeans + japanese, but I would definitely stay true to Polish.
i am australian and i don't really have a preference. i've been with several different nationalities :blind:
Lucky man. :blink:
I'm from the US (Don't blame me for Trump!) of mixed race.
My preferences are Latinos, mixed or otherwise.I moved to a South American country to be surrounded by them lol
Asian (Filipino)
I like all types of men but have a predilection towards hairy men.. so Italian/German/Israeli/Irish/Australian/British (gotta love the accent) -
I am of British and German/Russian descent, but grew up in Africa. i am attracted to Europeans (esp. East and North Europeans), Asians (Filipinos, Japanese, Chinese, Indians, etc.), Middle Eastern/North African (Arab, Moroccan, Egyptian, Israeli), Latin Americans and Native Americans.
Pretty much any nationality/ethnicity, but i a prefer tan to light skin, so i am usually not attracted to black men, unless they are very fair.
I'm African/Black American.
I like all guys of all races of all body types and body sizes and all skin tones and personalities.
My ethnicity is South Asian (Indian/Pakistani) and I am attracted to all types of ethnicities - except, weirdly enough, other guys from South Asia. I don't know why I find myself unattracted to people from my own background, and I've certainly tried to get over it, but the two or three times Ive been to bed with another Indian or Pakistani, it just felt wrong and vaguely incestous. .. Since I live in middle America, most of my partners have been white, with a few East Asians. My most perfect relationship was with a Japanese guy - three years! These days I find myself increasingly attracted to black guys.
I am Greek, i like just about everyone..it he fucks my brain i do not care what race he is.But i have only gone with Greek people so far.But i specially like Latinos!but that's it.
I'm a Yank. I thought I was only attracted to white boys like myself. That's what I've always fantasized about. But the few people I've messed around with were Latino. I'm not into Latinos, I never think about them, but somehow they seem to break through that wall of fear I have when it comes to sex. Or whatever. The Latin population in the past year has tripled in size in San Diego. Mexicans have a very high sex drive, but Brazilians WOW holy fuck.
I don't think I'm attracted to a particular ethnicity. I think that only a certain type of human that has the ability to persuade me is the one that I end up falling for. It just always seems to be the latino guys that somehow get all my clothes off! :cheesy2:
I'm caucasian portuguese, I love all ethnicities but ever since I remeber I have an obsession for big black dick.
i ll just take a moment to tell you , Ellis: that the imgs in your profile soften my heart xD
I'm african
Pretty open to all races but I think I lean to Caucasians (or lighter skin tones in general)
There's just something about them I guess -