Best kitchen utensil
kitchen utensil you can't live without? mine is my razor sharp chef knife!
@wesleyrayne I have several used ones since they don't make them anymore, but I love my Foley kitchen fork. You can find them on Ebay quite frequently. Tried the Granny Fork, but the tines are not even, they are on an arc and I find it catches when I use a plastic bowl. I don't think I even have it anymore.
Microwave oven.
My different lengths of tongs I use for smoke grilling and frying.
I agree that good kitchen knives are vital but I'm not sure they are truly considered a kitchen 'implement.' I mean, you might as well say that a wooden spoon is as well?
I would say that microwaves and toasters/toaster ovens are probably it for most, and for people that really like to use their kitchen, something like a dutch oven or a cast iron pan, etc. I would personally swear by a good cheese grater and/or a good vegetable peeler.