Watching porn… is it cheating?
What are your thoughts on this? And what would you consider as cheating if you are in a relationship?
If it is open where would you draw your line? Curious to know
And if it is not an open relationship, what would you consider cheating?
I definitely do not consider it cheating and, in fact, would be wary of being in a relationship with someone who did. Being addicted to porn is a different story, but I see nothing wrong with someone enjoying porn in moderation and find it a healthy curiosity. To me cheating is being physically or emotionally intimate with another person (e.g. kissing, having sex, going on dates, etc.).
watching porn is definitely not cheating but if you have a wife and like to watch gay porn then it could be… what do you think guys?
I definitely To me cheating is being physically or emotionally intimate with another person (e.g. kissing, having sex, going on dates, etc.).
Would swapping dick pics with someone else, be as form of cheating?
Thank you fore your reply Ozymandias20
watching porn is definitely not cheating but if you have a wife and like to watch gay porn then it could be… what do you think guys?
I would think no but that is my own opinion, unless you act upon it with another man then yeah
I don't think so.
Not really cheating… But an unhealthy porn obsession is possibly the worst thing that could happen to someones sex life.
If you don't dedicate time to your partner, to spend it watching porn and masturbating, it's an issue...
Doesn't matter where you get your appetite as long as you have dinner at home
that's my BF and my theory
I think if a guy has a wife but is watching gay porn then it's only a matter of time before he cheats.
While it's not cheating, it's definitely filling a void in your relationship. I've been with a guy that I was so attracted to that I literally never downloaded porn for like a year. I was just so satisfied I didn't want to.
I've been in another relationship where all I wanted to do was download porn because i was with a guy that was not my type physically.
Dremric when i saw your avatar i wanted to kiss and lick it and more.. and even that, to me that would be cheating if i had a boyfriend.Not the casual type of cheating but it would still be.Because i don't just want to see it and admire it.I want to do more than that and to me, that tells a lot about myself, how happy i would be with my ex, for instance.
Initially, when someone desires or even yearns to watch porn is not really a bad thing from time to time.When i was in relationship, i used to download loads of porn in order to try to get better at sex myself and pleasure my partner.But it could really turn against you, if you are obsessed with it.Sure, porn is really good and i personally like porn with plots (excites my fantasy).When i did not enjoy sex with my partner (that was most of the time) i felt that i needed to watch more and more porn and i became obsessed.I felt that if i could see more i could improve my sex life.In the end, the porn became my "sex" life..To me, i cheated him, mentally at least, but he did it too.I think it is healthy to see porn from time to time when in a relationship, but not so usually, as it indicates a harsh relationship.
I definitely do not consider it cheating and, in fact, would be wary of being in a relationship with someone who did. Being addicted to porn is a different story, but I see nothing wrong with someone enjoying porn in moderation and find it a healthy curiosity. To me cheating is being physically or emotionally intimate with another person (e.g. kissing, having sex, going on dates, etc.).
I would have to agree with Ozymandias20 - cheating is when you're emotionally intimate, either physically and/or emotionally, with another person. However, this does mean that there could be limits to what kind of porn you partake in.
I think engaging with someone over the internet - like messaging cam guys - could be considered cheating. But certainly, swapping dick pics, sexually messaging guys on Grindr, cam2cam etc. would all cross the limit IMO. I think if you're in a monogamous relationship, you shouldn't be exposing yourself to other people. :surprise:
I mean, a remote controlled sex toy, especially if you're on the receiving end, must be considered cheating? Right?
Me personally no I don't think it is.
I also support open relationships, so maybe you shouldn't take what I say as the gospel in this topic.
I don't think porn is cheating. I worry when someone would rather watch porn than be intimate with their lover continuously. I think we all need personal time for fantasy and diversity.
watching porn is definitely not cheating but if you have a wife and like to watch gay porn then it could be… what do you think guys?
I have a wife who caught :police: me watching shemale and gay :fap: porn. According to her I'm gay now. I like semi-anon anal :hump: sex with gay dudes but I'm not emotionally attracted to dudes. :twg:I don't kiss or look at them when I'm fucking them.
Watching porn really can't be considered cheating. That's almost the same as saying masturbating is cheating. We all do it, even when in relationships. What's the difference between masturbating to a thought in your mind or an image on a screen?
Cheating is not about activities, it is about trust.
if you promise your partner to never eat a doughnut, and you have one anyway, then it is cheating.
It's simple- if you think your partner would be upset that you watch porn, or you feel you have to hide it from them, it is cheating.if the two of you can watch some porn together before having sex, then it is not cheating.