New experiences you had in 2016!
2016 is almost over (in some parts of the world it's already 2017)!!
What are some new experiences you had in the last year?
Let's play a game:Each person posts ONE new experience (good or bad) they had in 2016. Next person posts one for themselves!
- Full stories appreciated and welcomed ESPECIALLY IF FUNNY
- A person might post multiple stories or experiences, just one per post (not spamming however)
- Use the thumbs up/thumbs down/emotion buttons on the bottom of a post to rate it if you like or dislike something!
Let's see who had the most out of this year!! ;D ;D ;D
I'll start:
In 2016, I've been part of a polyamorous relationship for the first time. I have been identifying with polyamory for a few years now, it's just that I have never actually tried it, so I couldn't really know if it's my thing or not. This very summer however, I bacame the third member in a family of 2 wonderful men, who taught me a lot about polyamory, love, sex, trust, and much more! However, I'm living in a different country, so our relationship is a LDR for now, until next summer, when we reunite!! ;D ;D ;D Through this relationship I realized that multiple love is possible and valid, and I should not feel ashamed for loving MORE, cause love is love and more is better! :love: :love:
:mb2: -
I experienced to see 86 dead bodies, blood, people crying, child who lost their whole family, live on television on the national day right after watching a wonderful fireworks.
Still it's less deaths than 2015 right ? ….
Nice 14 of July.