Does Trump's victory in the Presidental election worry you as an LGBT individua?
Some of you people need to stop believing the ultra liberal lies!!!!!!
Dude, no it wouldn't. All it would take is a sympathetic supreme court. And any supreme court that was willing to overturn Roe v. Wade (which Trump has promised) is willing to overturn Obergefell v. Hodges).
I wouldn't try to lecture people on Constitutional Law when don't seem to be aware of what it is in the first place.
I'm not American but as trump is the president in the US now, I don't want to go there again.
No, it doesn't worry me. For one, Trump isn't anti-gay. I know, I know. Look up his past. Second of all, look at all the money we aren't paying in taxes
Get socialism out of the country. Let's hope for a fiscally responsible America.
I guess that's it then. Even after gay marriages have been invalidated and outlawed, minorities and immigrants fear for their lives and Trump supporters run roughshod over all opposition there will still be some of us saying "but he's not anti-gay!"
I hope those of us taking taking this stance are the first ones to be victimized. Sorry if that makes me seem like a dick, but at least I have LOTS of competition in this thread. -
No, it doesn't worry me. For one, Trump isn't anti-gay. I know, I know. Look up his past. Second of all, look at all the money we aren't paying in taxes
Get socialism out of the country. Let's hope for a fiscally responsible America.
Trump might not directly be anti-gay but he's appointing super-conservative people to his staff that most certainly are anti-gay.
Some of you people need to stop believing the ultra liberal lies!!!!!!
Dude, no it wouldn't. All it would take is a sympathetic supreme court. And any supreme court that was willing to overturn Roe v. Wade (which Trump has promised) is willing to overturn Obergefell v. Hodges).
I wouldn't try to lecture people on Constitutional Law when don't seem to be aware of what it is in the first place.
The USSC rarely reverses it's decision and it's never done it to strip a group of their rights. And as with all supreme court cases, it takes years to wind their way through the courts and by then too much time would have passed.
You are getting hysterical over something that has worse odds than winning the lottery.
I'm not American but as trump is the president in the US now, I don't want to go there again.
After having visited and vacationed in over 30 countries all around this globe, and having been to all 50 states in this United States, I can tell you there is nowhere on earth I would rather live. Hysterical overreaction to Trump is unfounded. That having been said; I think our economy will survive just fine without your money. ;D
The USSC rarely reverses it's decision and it's never done it to strip a group of their rights. And as with all supreme court cases, it takes years to wind their way through the courts and by then too much time would have passed.
You are getting hysterical over something that has worse odds than winning the lottery.
Your entire argument is idiotic on its face. Trump has outright stated that overturning Roe v. Wade is a litmus test for his judicial nominations. So yeah, his whole goal is to overturn a supreme court decision that would strip rights from millions of people.
The fact that it would take years is why it will likely happen. RBG, Kennedy, and Breyer aren't all going to stick around waiting for a more ideologically friendly president and senate to replace them.
And, let's not forget that Supreme Court can rip apart state level ENDAs. Also let's not forget what an SC can do with RFRA in its back pocket.
We had a chance to secure decades of progress, but instead we now have a tin hat dictator surrounded by anti-gays.
Your entire argument is idiotic on its face. Trump has outright stated that overturning Roe v. Wade is a litmus test for his judicial nominations. So yeah, his whole goal is to overturn a supreme court decision that would strip rights from millions of people.
The fact that it would take years is why it will likely happen. RBG, Kennedy, and Breyer aren't all going to stick around waiting for a more ideologically friendly president and senate to replace them.
And, let's not forget that Supreme Court can rip apart state level ENDAs. Also let's not forget what an SC can do with RFRA in its back pocket.
We had a chance to secure decades of progress, but instead we now have a tin hat dictator surrounded by anti-gays.
I'm the last person that would ever defend Trump, but he is the epitome of "Watch what I do, not what I say." Yes, he is surrounding himself with some unsavory people, but let one of them get caught up in something like Bridgegate and see what happens to them. Just ask Chris Christie. Giuliani may be sunk now with the reports coming out about all the foreign money he took as a foreign affairs consultant for many foreign governments. What did Trump do with Paul Manafort when that happened? He was let go. Trump has to "Drain the swamp" after all, and he can't appoint someone guilty of doing the same thing he accused HRC of as Secretary of State. I think Trump is already reeling from beginning to really understand what he's gotten himself in to.
This won't be like the RNC convention where he can put down revolting delegates (with Reince's help). He needs them to get his legislation through unless he pulls a Boehner and lets the Dems vote everything through for him. Similarly, if Repubs go crazy and try to enact legislation that he is not in favor of, I could totally see Trump VETOING Republican legislation since he's more aligned with Dems on many issues anyway. No one's going to do anything that he doesn't want - he showed Pence just that when Pence stepped out of line and told everyone that the Trump-Pence campaign would categorically accept the results of the election. Donald went out of his way to never say that. He did the same during the debates when he threw Pence under the bus for saying the campaign backed using military force to overthrow Assad. He said. "We haven't talked, and I don't agree." Repubs don't get it yet, but this isn't going to be the easy ride they think they're in for. Trump is not a Republican at heart.
Neither Dems or Repubs are really liking the names being floated for several key positions in his Cabinet. Honestly, if he's having this much
trouble during the transition stage with simple staffing, he's going to be in for a long 4 years. Every single thing is going to be a battle, with the exception of tax cuts. That's about the ONLY thing Trump and Republicans really agree on.Lastly, while Trump will appoint at least one SC justice, we should wait and see if he actually follows through on his supposed SC list. I think that list was just pandering honestly, but that's just me. We will know what his intentions are soon enough. But, with the pushback he's getting from both sides on Cabinet positions, I think he realizes he can't go full tilt either way on anything.
Don't believe the liberal bushwah presently blasting over the news. Those pantywaists are throwing riots (temper tantrums and hissy-fits, I'd call them) about something that's already been decided. In a while they'll start repeating themselves too much and get ignored by the media. I'm already ignoring them.
Read Scott Adams' blog. Trump is an expert at manipulating the media.
a) He blasts out something outrageous.
b) All cameras turn to him.
c) He puts out reasonable, well-thought-out soundbites.
d) Repeat from a). -
Trump is a Master Persuader; this is how he does business.
a) Agree with right-winger 'get the Mexicans out' group. This establishes an emotional rapport with a group that doesn't get validated often.
b) After a reasonable wait for the backlash, posit a more reasonable goal; 'Get the criminals out'.
c) Bask in all the extra votes you just got, and repeat from a).
Trump does business in the USA, complying with all EEOC and HR requirements.
He surrounds himself with intelligent people to advise him - and he listens to them. Discriminating against LGBT people would reduce the pool of smart people available to him. Every smart person he doesn't hire, his competitors do. Trump himself is too smart for that.
Whatever the man's internal thoughts, prejudices and whatever, he's about the most tolerant 70-year old you'll ever see. This is how he does business.Finally, just try to tell me a straight person can tame that hair. Really?
The USSC rarely reverses it's decision and it's never done it to strip a group of their rights. And as with all supreme court cases, it takes years to wind their way through the courts and by then too much time would have passed.
You are getting hysterical over something that has worse odds than winning the lottery.
Your entire argument is idiotic on its face. Trump has outright stated that overturning Roe v. Wade is a litmus test for his judicial nominations. So yeah, his whole goal is to overturn a supreme court decision that would strip rights from millions of people.
The fact that it would take years is why it will likely happen. RBG, Kennedy, and Breyer aren't all going to stick around waiting for a more ideologically friendly president and senate to replace them.
And, let's not forget that Supreme Court can rip apart state level ENDAs. Also let's not forget what an SC can do with RFRA in its back pocket.
We had a chance to secure decades of progress, but instead we now have a tin hat dictator surrounded by anti-gays.
Trump has already said (post-election CBS interview, I think it was) that he considers marriage equality set in stone as law. He said he has no interest in even trying to undo it.
Roe v Wade can't be viewed in the same way as marriage equality. Abortion laws affect ALL people that are able to get abortions, not just a subset.
Religious Freedom laws are impossible to enact without hindering believers' rights. Allowing them to only discriminate against fags will hinder some's religious beliefs against blacks, etc, etc, etc, etc.
If I had been worried, I probably wouldn't have voted for him.
Reading this and other political boards has really opened my eyes. I used to believe that, because of the things we've been through individually and as a group, gay people were a little better than average. A little smarter, a little braver, a little more aware. Now I see that we really are just as prone to the same stupidity and blindness as everyone else, clearly evidenced here by every mouth-breathing Trump voter. Congratulations, my fellow gays: you just as dumb and self destructive as straight people. Thanks for disillusioning me that way. :nutki:
Congratulations, my fellow gays: you just as dumb and self destructive as straight people. Thanks for disillusioning me that way. :nutki:
If you are going to call people dumb, it is probably a good idea to not sound dumb while doing so.
The only thing I'm worried about is the fact that Trump is so flip floppy about everything and doesn't appear to have a backbone of his own. He will rely on the advice of the people he surrounds himself with which so far isn't exactly looking good. Also the fact that he seems to have amnesia - telling people he never said something when he did (and theres video evidence).
My concern isn't Trump per se - its his manipulability.
Reading this and other political boards has really opened my eyes. I used to believe that, because of the things we've been through individually and as a group, gay people were a little better than average. A little smarter, a little braver, a little more aware. Now I see that we really are just as prone to the same stupidity and blindness as everyone else, clearly evidenced here by every mouth-breathing Trump voter. Congratulations, my fellow gays: you just as dumb and self destructive as straight people. Thanks for disillusioning me that way. :nutki:
:police: Please watch the flaming. :police:
i don't know how it couldn't worry someone who is LGBT tbh. However I do think in the grand scheme of things that neither candidate would have ben a good option for the USA
He already backed down on some promises so he ain't gonna do crap. I don't like Hillary either, she's a liar and a fake.
Bernie :love: -
Reading this and other political boards has really opened my eyes. I used to believe that, because of the things we've been through individually and as a group, gay people were a little better than average. A little smarter, a little braver, a little more aware.
I have observed and think, in general, gay people are. But it is not, of course, true of all gay people and, in particular, less so with gay men.
Being abused and hated for whom you are can help a person to develop empathy, because you can then related what you felt to others in similar circumstances. I know this has happened with me, but part of that is I am smart and creative, which helps to better understand how other folks might feel.
I read a great, great deal as well and there have been studies in the last several years, that reading fiction also develops empathy:
I also have observed and think with many (again, not all) gay men, we are taught by the example of others to see other men – and even ourselves -- as sex objects, as things, and not as whole people in our intimate relationships.
Now I see that we really are just as prone to the same stupidity and blindness as everyone else, clearly evidenced here by every mouth-breathing Trump voter. Congratulations, my fellow gays: you just as dumb and self destructive as straight people. Thanks for disillusioning me that way. :nutki:
Again, I do not think it is the majority of gay people from what I have widely observed – but certainly it is far more than I expected. I am also greatly disappointed by a great many of my fellow Americans. Over the decades and observation and study, I have estimated that at least 20-25% of the people in my nation are likely psychotic in one form or other. I had wondered about this for sometime, but what gave me a likely percentage was at the very end of George W. Bush's 2nd terms, with two wars raging, with Saddam Hussein (who hated Islamic fanatics) being blamed from what Osama bin Laden had done, with our American and the world's economies already deep in the Great Recession, that there were still 21% of Americans who gave W. Bush a positive approval rating. To believe that, one could really only be badly out of touch with Reality.
Willful-Ignorance and -Stupidity abound in Humanity.
One example of this is the wide, wide-spread hostility towards Hillary Clinton. It seems the a great many people who were constantly referring to "criminal" and "corrupting" nature NEVER stopped to truly consider the fact that despite multiple investigates over decades, Ms. Clinton had NEVER been legally charged with any criminal act -- and had NEVER been convicted of any crime.
Instead what actually happen was over 30 years of a slander, libel, and blatantly, vicious-circle of lies and gossip against Ms. Clinton by those on the far-right. The ultraconservative extremist were still throwing around "Benghazi" despite multiple Republican-lead congressional investigation NEVER found her a fault -- and, in fact, several of them even cleared here.
In fact, comparison of truthfulness between Ms. Clinton and Donald Trump showed that it was Trump -- and
NOT Clinton -- who lied far, far more:But the smearing against her continued on and on and on until a a great many, many people believed it.
A great majority of the Republicans in American – and Trump certainly demonstrated this though out his entire campaign -- had leading the truth of the statement:
"Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it."
It was Adolph Hitler who said that.
There is one other very important thing to note. While Ms. Clinton did loose the presidency, that was because of the very outdate and now pointless Electoral College system.
Hillary Clinton WON the popular voted by over 1,000,000 votes -- and actual vote-counting is still continuing, and as it does, her lead continues to grow. This is twice now since the start of 2000s that the winners of the popular vote -- Al Gore and Hillary Clinton, both Democrats -- lost the presidency due to the Electoral College.
In 2000, that gave American W. Bush as president -- and by any objective standard, his term was a disaster for the American nation and its people. And now we have... Trump.
The question was:
"Does Trump's victory in the Presidential election worry you as an LGBT individual?"
YES, it does, deeply and seriously worry me. It worries me, depresses me, angers me greatly for not only for the pain and harm Trump, his Administration, and his supporters will bring to gay people, but will bring to American citizens and America itself as a whole.
. . .
It really disgusts me when I see all those gaysfortrump accounts on twitter. Maybe at least he can do something good for those elite minorities. But how in hell can he possibly not harm our community? Exploiting gays like this is really vile and despicable.