I miss the days of public cruising! Does anyone else?
I loved it before the internet came along. You had to talk to a guy, feel him out. Maybe do it in a dodgy place. I loved the sneaking and the secrecy of it all. Of course, I slept with married men back then. I don't do that now. But, gosh I miss cruising as it used to be!
you're talking about my youth!! The thrill of the chase
I've never used an app - all sounds a bit like dial-a-fuck.
how is it in the usa today? does the cruising still exists or has the online dating made it obsolete?
Every time I approached a guy without knowing in advance he was into me ended up in disaster. I'm very glad I'm on the Internet age, thank you very much.
yeah, i do too. but im getting old and the young guys out there are just too much to handle.
At least in NYC and FTL, the dating/sex apps seem to have reduced bar crowds a bit.
As for old-fashioned cruising, there's no harm walking through a park or along a waterfront, finding a friend and taking him home. Assuming he's not dangerous!
To me, getting busy in public spaces – especially toilets -- is not a nice thing to do. Lurking is often noticed by others who just want to have a whiz. We have other options today.
I hear cruising used to be a rager. I tried cruising a few times in college a couple years back but was never successful. Too risky I guess.
Had to resort to craigslist and apps.
yes, indeed
I've been cruising for the past 10 years and it has changed considerably. You can still find places to do it, but nowadays you have to be extremely careful. Just in the past 2 weeks, my local area has had undercover cops do raids on at least 3 places I know of. Bummer…