Foot tapping in toilet stalls
Hi all!
So I'm curious to know about this… A couple of days ago I was travelling and decided I needed to stop at the services on the motorway. I went to the bathroom while I was there and went into a stall. While I was in there, I could quite clearly see the shadow of the guy in the next stall and he was masturbating. Now I will admit I was a little turned on by this. Anyhoo, I did... well, what I went into the stall to do. I'm sure I don't need to go into detail! lol.
So a couple of minutes later I noticed his foot had moved almost under the barrier and he was tapping it, like he was waving at me. Was this him signalling that he wanted to have sex? I didn't really get how that would happen in there, since there was only like a 6 inch gap under the barrier and the same at the top. Is this quite a common practice in motorway services? I mean it was really busy, and in the middle of the afternoon. There were also signs up on the walls inside the stalls saying that male and female police officers regularly patrolled here.
Thanks all! x
Yes, there is a high possibility that he was tapping because he wanted some public toilet sex from you ;D ;D However, the taps can be random at all, he may have been tapping cause he was nervous or something. In order to make sure they want sex, you have to tap too with your foot close to the stall seperator. Next, he will tap a little closer and then you will do the same. This will keep going till your feet touch, only then you will know for sure that you both want some sex
Another very common trick is to put a small ball of toilet paper right under the seperator, if the other person wants sex too, they will kick the paper either to their stall or yours (some people say this signifies if they want to be sucked or suck (kicking the ball to your side means you want to be sucked), while others say the stall that you kick the ball in means where you are gonna meet and fuck, i.e. kicking it to the other stall means "I will come to your stall, unlock your door")
I hope I helped! Enjoy cruising (but don't forget: SAFETY FIRST!!) xx
Source: personal experience on public toilet cruising
I wonder how in the world etiquette like this got standardized. There wasn't even the internet until fairly recently!
I guess it was on the basis of practice and costume… like many other cultural etiquetes.