What turns you off during sex?
- Trying to kiss the guy while his mouth is wide open, like he's yawning or something.
- Groaning words, such as "ahh yeah that's so good" or "mm just like that". No.
- Rushing through foreplay.
- When the other person doesn't move. Like, are you dead?
- Poor personal hygiene, obviously.
mechanical sex.
whether it's guys just fucking and showing absolutely no signs of enjoying the sex, being mute and doing mechanical moves so I have a feeling I'm having sex with a robot, and I feel like a blow-up doll.
or contrary - guys who talk too much. there are very few guys who can pull if off because it sounds spontaneous and natural, but in most cases it sounds as fake as plots in porn movies. just be natural, is it that hard?
oh, I also hate when guy is too careful and worries about anything, so most of the sex is like "oh are you fine, oh did I hurt you, is it fine if I kiss you, is it fine if I do this or that…" just do it for fucks sake, and be spontaneous and passionate. or should I come with a script next time and give it to you in advance so you know exactly what to do and in which order...
so the point is - don't hold back, do what you like, the worst thing that can happen is that I say "sorry, I don't enjoy this or that" and don't make a fuss about it - just continue doing other things. I also don't like when I try something and I see the guy isn't enjoying it but he fakes it and says nothing... the point is to enjoy the sex, so let's just be spontaneous, let each other know what we do or don't enjoy and in a short period of time it will come clear what each of us likes and we'll stick to those things which we both enjoy and that's the only way to have a great sex.
I hate it when at the cumshot scene when the guy prepares to shoot his load onto someone's face, they act as if they're afraid of the cum like it's poison or something gross…. they're supposedly waiting for the cum with open mouth while the top jerking his cock, then when he shoots they close their mouth and try to avoid it.
What turns me off:
- Guys that are high on whatever drug and, as a result, have the attention span of a flea.
- Guys at a sex party who "break the vibe" of the situation with loud casual conversation.'
- Guys who don't know how to "set a mood" for good sex to happen (like opening every drape at high noon and having CNN blaring on the tv!)
- The slightest smell of poop.
When he's in a hurry.
When he's in a hurry.
Ohhh. Hate it too. I spotted it in a lot of people lately.
One guy was rimming me like 5 minutes after starting kissing. And I was like "whaaa…whaa...whaaaaa. wait and get the fuck out i'm a top" as he was trying to get his dick in me. The other guy went like through 30 positions of kamasutra in 10 minutes xD That was funny too. I'm always like "hey, we have all night why rush? it's cool like this. let's pay attention to every little detail on our body". That's why I also don't like poppers and guys on poppers. Generally drugs. I just don't see the point. I loved it with my ex that we were doing it without anything - only music. No drinks, no smoking, no sex toys, no drugs, no fetish. We were getting along amazingly and still could have one sex for a few hours. We were just pasionate for each other. That's how it's supposed to be I guess. -
Ive pretty much ended random sex simply because too many things are unpredictable with it. I hated guys who tended to be in a rush, who thought spitting and biting and spanking would be a turn on for me. Bad breath and any sort of drugs. Bad kissers, and even worse - the non-kissers. (Always wondered how they would willingly put my dick in their mouth but not my tongue!) And of course, the constant underlying fear of a possible STD. My partner and I are in an open relationship by mutual agreement because we live in different cities, but neither of us really looks for anyone new, and save up sex for when we are together. Sex with him is great simply because we know exactly what the other wants. Looking forward to retirement together.
answering the phone
answering the phone
You think so?
Me and my ex were 8 hours drive apart. We rented an apartment for the night in the capital halfway.
Haha when we got there we couldn't keep hands of each other and then after few hours of sex the owner called me and my bf was like "answer it! answer it and I will suck your dick and let's see if you can keep focus"that crazy sexy mother fucker…
That my partner stays still without saying anything.
a bad kisser can turn me off pretty quickly.
My ultimate dream man could come from heaven itself.. if he cannot kiss then nope.. it is done - kissing is like the catalyst for everything, for me.
Bad personal hygiene!
Bad kisser def. So many guys think that just sticking their tongue out qualifies as kissing…no
Also, a guy I was with the other night farted during sex...that didn't do too much for me either. Ugh FML.
poppers… and other drugs, even if i never fucked with someone with other drugs... (exception to alcool and cigarettes :love:)
for me no blood / no scat / no BB
Referring to anus as "boy pussy".
Also annoys me when a guy slaps my butt. Totally breaks my mood. The weird thing is that I am not even a bottom, and both times when it happened, I was being rimmed.
I am also turned off by:
Farts (smell of shit)
Sexy Posing like that of a girl - be a man!!
Feminine gestures -
When their ass stinks lmaoo