Would you have sex in a public restroom?
I wouldn't even use some public bathrooms for the purpose they're intended. I certainly wouldn't have sex in one!
fuck yeah, done it before too, many times.
even had guys piss all over me, and breed me deep :churn: -
Public sex is risky and dangerous but it was amazing! >.<
Every Saturday, on schedule, with the same cutie from Myanmar, YES!
I already have haha
Yes, with a person I know
Wellā¦i have hold my husbands cock while he peed at IKEA and give it a shake or two.... :hug:
I would and I have ;D
NO.. just No.. I prefer having sex at my place. a controlled environment as I am not an adrenaline junkies
i wouldn't do it with a stranger lol, but perhaps like in a stall with a significant other could be hot lol vanilla
i had, did it for several years. it was fabulous! but i've outgrown that. but it was really good then.
Only once in this particular setting (even though I have had a fair amount of public sex elsewhere). VERY HOT :cheers: It was with a regular fuck bud of mine in a seedy gay strip bar. We started making out and I bent him over the sink and went to town LOL That said, the door had a lock and I personally didn't care about how clean the bathroom was at the timeā¦. I had his sexy body on my mind and little else! hehehe
There are better places I think
Though when I was in high school I had always had a fantasy of doing it in the bathroom with another classmate -
Nope, getting caught and dirty!!
io l'ho fatto ā¦soprattutto dove si fermano i camionisti, poi l'essere anche scoperti l'eccitazione sale a mille
been there, done that
Did that once! At McDonald's :police:
It is definitely one of my fantasy. Would love to try it with a hot bear. :cheesy2: