The science behind homosexuality
Science has discovered some new stuffs, check it out:
Why Is There Homosexuality?:
What do you guys think about it?
Gay, Straight, and the Reason Why
Oxford University Press -
That seems as a good book, badly I don't have the money
:9 -
I can send you a copy.
All those scientifics explanations about sexual orientation kinda makes me nervous… If people keep seeing sexual orientation as a consequence of something they'll keep on searching for "cure". Just because a lot of people need a reason for everything...
Plus, all those are theories! Until now all those majors ideas have been already contradicted many times and what most scientifics talks about as facts (on sexual orientations anyway) aren't facts at all...
Either it is genetics or it is the environment or it can be a mixture. Regardless of the cause, if it is genetics–genes can be rewritten (pharmacogenetics), if it is environment--the environment can be removed. Curing is the wrong word, but genes are responsible for many things. We can't have our cake and eat it too. It isn't that it is a problem to fix, but not all gay are happy being gay just as not all short people are happy being short. It is just an attribute of many which people have. People can genetically tailor their children and even themselves. If you want blue eyes, no problem, wear contacts or have a laser iris surgery. If you want to be taller, then there is also a surgery for that too. Fat injection thyroplasty for deeper voices. There's a change for anything you don't like.
And that's maybe the real reason why everything is so bad in our century… If people can even changed what they genetically don't like about themselves it's normal people can't accept that things don't go their way in the everyday life. Instead of accepting what/who/how we are we constantly search a way to change it, no wonder people need therapy.
And, i'm repeating myself, if we keep on searching a reason (genetics, social environment, ...) for being gay people will keep on believing it ain't normal, that's something we need to change and/or "cure" and our conditions won't evolve neither will do people's beliefs...
Plus, the more people turns to science to explain "how can they be gay" the more it gets ridiculous... Now having a big brother can make you gay? What's next? Leaving in a special neighborhood would too? Or new Mcdo's ads "don't let children eat cucumber, they'll turn queer, make them eat burgers"...
Scientifics should focus on curing diseases and find ways to live longer instead of finding solutions to what isn't a problem.
Religions and narrow-minded people are sufficiently hating and harrassing us, we don't need science to put water on the fire
I am not sure I understand your post.
What part don't you understand? Sometime i got a little carried away and my arguments aren't clear to everyone :cry3:
And that's maybe the real reason why everything is so bad in our century… HUH If people can even changed what they genetically don't like about themselves it's normal people can't accept that things don't go their way in the everyday life. not grammatically correct or at least it is very difficult to follow. Instead of accepting what/who/how we are we constantly search a way to change it, no wonder people need therapy. Please rewrite
And, i'm repeating myself, if we keep on searching a reason (genetics, social environment, …) for being gay people will keep on believing it ain't normal, that's something we need to change and/or "cure" and our conditions won't evolve neither will do people's beliefs...
Plus, the more people turns to science to explain "how can they be gay" the more it gets ridiculous... Now having a big brother can make you gay? What's next? Leaving in a special neighborhood would too? Or new Mcdo's ads "don't let children eat cucumber, they'll turn queer, make them eat burgers"...
Scientifics should focus on curing diseases and find ways to live longer instead of finding solutions to what isn't a problem.
Religions and narrow-minded people are sufficiently hating and harrassing us, we don't need science to put water on the fire
Would you mind possibly rewriting the whole thing in your native language. I can speak Spanish, French, Japanese and Swedish.
" Si les gens peuvent changer ce qu'ils n'aiment pas génétiquement chez eux c'est normal que les gens ne puissent accepter que tout ne va pas comme ils le souhaitent dans la vie de tous les jours".
Désolé petit mélange dans la concordance des temps entre le français et l'anglais! Sorry :afraid2:
Si les gens veulent changer génétiquement quelque chose, je pense que c'est bien. Tout le monde a le droit de changer quoi qu'ils veuillent. Peut-être il y a des gays qui veulent devenir straight. Il y aura toujours les gens (spécialement avec ceux qui ont du fric) qui veulent les interventions chirurgicales, les adaptations génétiques pour s'améliorer. Pendant le futur proche, j'imagine un monde divisé par les très riche, très beau, super-intelligentes généralement avancées et les normales comme le roman de Brave New World ou le movie Gattaca. Ceux qui échouent à accepter les façons du monde, iront se retrouver expulsé par la reste de la société. La technologie est merveilleuse. Il n'y a aucun problème avec ça.
The fact that you're having no problem with the exclusion of the poor/ugly/weak/… kinda scares me. Why would we want to change anything about us when we could simply accept how we are and wouldn't need to spend the rest of ours lives in therapy?
I mean, seriously, why people can't just accept the way they're?
I'm ok with science and progress but there's no need to play god. Let's things go their ways, just use science and technology to heal and cure not to create the perfect of you that, excuse me, would be boring. Perfection is boring. Being all alike is boring.
Perfection can never be achieved, it is the journey there for which you should strive.
You never stay the same. You either get better or you get worse.
Jon Gruden
I prefer to get better than to get worse.
If you choose not to use all available resources to your advantage, does not mean that other will not; thus, increasing disparity not just among the rich and the poor, but also by pedigree. Many authors have written about this as a possible outcome.
Very interesting, thanks for sharing this.
A "cure" is not for soon, plus I suspect that nature and evolutions adapted our Dna so that it might be corrupted in order to promote diversity and adaptation, actually we do adopt orphans, we do not reproduce(?) therefor help mantain the balance of population to enviromnent ratio, we mostly make a communication bridge between sexes issues, and if the reason of existence of humankind is to artificialize itself we are responsible for great inventions… I think the before mentioned science for the rich paradigm is real but dystopic, thankfully there is a diverse spectrum of beauty and not enough resources to maintain such world, again and again diversity (green blue hazel brown eyes, blond to red to black hair, races and so on... adaptation people), some have trouble with that and want uniformity and want control... in an extreme case they might develop a psychiatric dysfunction. The human being is not designed for uniformity, we cannot survive in that enviromnent we'd start doubting our identity, the reality in which we'd be and the time lapse... we see colours, we live in a light changes with the day planet, and in which every single plant animal and stone is similar but not absolutely equal, and when everything is too much we look for a different enviromnent... That speacks enough.
Your post is trying to cover too many things at once. Could you please expound upon the ideas a little more?
The only thing on which we can call ourselves equals is being a human being. Even between two same family members we can a find a lot of differencies, the same goes for same species, religions,… . Trying to build a society based on perfection isn't possible. Perfection is subjectif. We don't all aspire to the same things therefor we can't all want to be the same thing or have the same thing.
Plus the Science has its limit or we would already all be immortal or immune to any disease. We aren't. I really believe that Science isn't supposed to rule our lives but just help those who need it. And by need i don't mean changing your eyes colors because you prefer green over brown but need in a sense of real necessity : vital!
Accepting what/who we are is part of our normal psychological development if you can't accept it you need help. First to really understand why and if you need any change... Secondly because changing yourself, even in "an improved version", can cause serious damages to your psyche.I totally agree with myrea and I, too, think that we aren't created to be uniform. People are meant to evolve and this evolution is based on differents things for each and everyone of us. It's only logical that, through time, we became all differents from each other.
This might add nothing to the theme but yes… if you have time and money to spend on science, find a HIV cure already...
not how to perfect someone butt implants, common sense, urgency and a notion of priority ;D. And yes I know this is related to mapping the brain and dna and that will help a lot of medical related deseases, but yes...
Now... I do not believe in a notion of perfection, i think that is plural and according to the culture you are in... the journey to there is a fun one too, and we are getting a bit uniformized due to mix races couples, but most likely even those will adapt eventually to change and have differing cultural notions of what is beauty. Hence embrace diverse change because it's on tomorrows menu.
How is the notion of perfection "plural"? :angel2: :pope: