24 Hours Freeleech Started at 18:42 Server Time
Happy freeleech :cheers:
Wow, thank you! Fortunately I could enjoy almost the whole day
I have a list of torrents that seem interesting but not so good to download if I don't have a good ratio. It's a good opportunity to reduce the list a little.
The interesting thing is, that there is no drastic increase of the global number of downloads … anyway, I hope it will enable some members to get into the game again :love:
Maybe people didn't notice the freeleech day. I only knew about it because of the poll, as I have the search page bookmarked and I only check the forum twice a week more or less.
I think it is a good concept, especially if people need/want to increase their ratio. But as pedro said it wasn't immediately obvious… and I sign-in to main page.
Not quite sure how you get round that with the navigation of the site. But it took me a while to get back to this thread when it was no longer new to me.
PS I did grab a few bytes but didn't want to seem greedy
Thanks!!! I was able to get several good vids! Almost missed the freeleech day if it weren't for the poll. :cheers:
Thanks guys for the freeleech it was fun to try new things you wouldn't normally download, now to watch them all :cheers: