Daily download limit reached
When was this implemented?
I have an excellent ratio and think that this limit should be lifted for users with better ratios. :police:
I am not aware of something called "Daily download limit". What is the exact wording of the message you see and where do you see it?
I've tried to download a few torrents today
this is the message I receive:
Download failed!
Daily download limit reached! (100 torrents) -
Sorry, you are the first user this limit knowingly snaps. 100 is much more than "a few" and that limit won't go, as pointed out by Joker in the chatbox.
helllelujah 100 tor in a day… ºxº someone is busy...
When would you watch them all :hot2:
The user explained in the chatbox to visit the site only occasionally and shopping then for all new torrents he like to download.
That is a possible explanation for such massive one day download of torrent files. Unfortunately such using Profile is not forseen by our security settings and won't.
wow, what sudden influx of hormones compelled you to download 100 torrents in a day?
you have my salute