Uploading screenshots and covers
Since a lot of torrents are still missing screenshots, I was wondering if there are any plans to increasing the number of files you can upload at once. Clicking through several screens just to upload one image at a time can take a while, so if you could upload something like 5 files at a time per torrent, it would really save time. Just a suggestion. Thanks!
I asked the very same question and because of the tremendous load the admins have to handle this is not at the top of the list…..but it is on the list. Here's hoping that it does become a feature though.
Thanks for letting me know CumeaterNC. By the way, I'm in Durham. You near there? HOT avatar
…By the way, I'm in Durham. You near there?
I'm in Jacksonville, NC(about 2 hours away). Lots of marines to please here(Camp Lejeune). ;D See the real me here http://forum.gaytorrent.ru/index.php?topic=6516.0
If I ever get out that way I'll show you why my screen name is cumeater >:D
I'd like that very much
my avatar is my real pic.
… my avatar is my real pic.
Hmm - that gives me something to think about - especially to find out why you used a "play" station to hide your goodies
I really think giving other users the ability to add screen shots is a great ides. :cheesy2: Thanks guys. ;D Sometimes it's really hard to find enough and good covers, screen shots etc., :cry2: so every help will most certainly be appreciated by all uploaders. So:
I just tried and uploaded a few screen shots for a torrent lacking them and found two thing annoying:-
You can only upload your pics one by one and it does take tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiime. tired ???
I had prepared 16 nice pics and did upload them in reverse order so that they would end up in the right order. Unfortunately, after the 9th picture I couldn't upload any longer, so 9 (or 10 including the single one already there) seems to the the limit. Is that correct? And, if yes, why?
…after the 9th picture I couldn't upload any longer, so 9 (or 10 including the single one already there) seems to the the limit. Is that correct? And, if yes, why?
Yes 10 is the limit and probably will always be the limit from now on. Programs like Imagegrabber can make a contact sheet of the scenes in a video. If you already have alot of pictures then picture programs like ACDSee will make a thumbnail sheet for you. That should help cut down on the actual number of images without losing the actual images themselves.
Part of the reason why it is limited to 10 now is to prevent the problem of server space in the picture folder from becoming a problem again. If you notice when you upload pictures they get stamped with a "www.gaytorrent.ru" label in the bottom right corner. That process requires that they are stored in a specific location. If it gets full, there is no real easy way to just move them somewhere else.
I will ask again about the ability of multiple pictures being uploaded at one time again but as I said in my first post, there are things higher on the to do list right now for the admins and they are working really hard to get it accomplished.