Syria begins slaughter & persecution of Christians
I say it
as a bad thing.
I know, some of you libs are genuinely evil enough people, to desire it or enjoy it.
But to sane people it's evil.
This jihadist video is mild, relatively - "HTS fighters terrorize children in Alawite areas by forcing them to crawl on the ground while shooting nearby."
Obama-Biden-Kamabla & CIA, actively supported takeover of Syria by jihadists.
Lib media supported it too - New York Times, Wapo, CNN.
Endless drumbeat, year after year, for USA to do Syria war & install "moderates" who are literal unreformed ISIS & al Qaeda.
Started 2012 with "Operation Timber Sycamore", continued into 2024-5 - last days of Biden-Kamabla. But sane people said "Assad is the only one who stops Sunni Jihadis from slaughtering Alawites".
Scummy EU libs do their usual:
Fake hand-wringing, over what they themselves strove for:
welp judging by the 3 post views it's safe to say nobody really cares for what happens to these people outside Twitter
@ianfontinell-0 Traffic in this section tends to be very low. It's cool.
plus, post is young.
On occasion I've noticed people (they will drop clues later) who read in a not-logged-in state.
"Syrian security forces and affiliated gunmen killed more than 340 civilians, the vast majority of them from the Alawite minority, over the last two days, Rami Abdulrahman of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights told Reuters on Saturday."
UK, seems fine with it, lifts sanctions:
Jihadis video themselves dropping bombs.
More shocking videos:
The more I see from the "religion of peace", the more I am convinced that it is an ideology of pure evil and hate.
al-Jazeera uses passive voice, to not say -WHO- kills Syria civilians.
Oh look. CNN at least started to call it "ethnic cleaning" & "government aligned".
It's not ethnic cleansing, it's religious.
"Christian" is not race, any more than "Muslim".
& it's not "government aligned", it's THE GOVERNMENT......which CNN promoted by Fake News: