"Mystery Drone" story
Mainly agnostic, on this one. I mean it.
Normie (lib) media says, We don't know what these are.
And I don't know, either. Yet.
I'd love to hear anyone who has seen one.
Some people say, space aliens are letting us know they're here, will meet us soon. But - when I see clips of these drones, to me, they look man-made.
Some people say, Iran attacks USA. But - to me, that sounds like warmongers flogging their pet project, USA war on Iran.
USA military knows for sure - how would they not know what is in their airspace? and does not tell us.
Elon, who might know, posted this:
Top theories people float:
drones are USA govt, training for imminent (drone) war with Iran, or with China (over Taiwan)
drones are USA govt, terrorizing its peeps to support "anti-drone" law.... ..... because people flying drones into hurricane disaster areas, exposed USA FEMA agency as bad
drones are USA govt, scanning for radiation leaks of terrorist "dirty bombs" hidden on ground
All 3 involve USA lying to its people.
@blablarg18 Drones are being used to spy on US citizens - which is illegal.