Yet more proof of black & female privilege - black woman on train abusing white man
If the races and gender were reversed, this would have been international news. There would also have been an arrest made.
Because if was a black woman abusing a white man, it's ignored by the police.
The police ignore a lot. I'd prefer to be ignored than murdered.
I couldn't see the video unfortunately because I don't want to pay The Sun to use my cookies to make them even more money.
What are you hoping by sharing this? That some people are privileged? Some people are ignorant? Yeah, some people are. But you made it about race.
Again, I haven't seen the video so I can't say for sure. It sounds like she was a dickhead and you want her punished for that. Maybe that video will help in some smacking of wrists, I dunno... -
She made it about race and gender. That was her immediate go-to stance, because she knows, that as a black woman, she has all the power, and as a white man he has none.
As I said, if the races and genders were reversed, he'd be in jail already but because she is a black woman, she gets a pass.
It's what we've been seeing across the west for a long time now.
@pmrrk you can view it in "private window". your normal cookies are not seen. & any new cookies are destroyed
"it sounds like you want her punished" - that is your assumptions. @raphjd already told you what he wants, in title - simple demonstration of Black Privilege & Female Privilege. they're real. that's it. reverse races/sexes & man would already be jailed
"you made it about race" - No, she did.
the woman [said] he was a "white idiot"...[and] his wife was cheating on him, later saying: "My feet is literally by your balls, I'm literally grabbing you by your balls".
and man is anti-racist...
The Tory politician, who is married to a Nigerian woman...
@raphjd Saying this is a problem of the privilege of someone being black and female seems quite absurd considering how many black people get killed and how many more women get killed just for existing.
To me, privilege means someone getting preferential treatment for what they are, not their qualities. A good looking person is more likely to get a job than a less attractive person, that sort of thing.
It sounds like she was an idiot. Idiots come in all flavours of people and idiots will use whatever buzz terms are popular at the time. For example, in the 90s, farmers would blame aliens for being sodomised because aliens, conspiracy theories and even The X-Files was a HUGE thing at the time. Could the real answer be that them enjoying being sodomised is a lot more palatable than admitting they're gay (or possibly something darker?)
If a homeless man told you he was made homeless because of the Jews, would you believe him? Should the police arrest all the Jews because they conspired to make this man homeless? Or would you think he's being a bigoted, paranoid idiot?
So I don't think this is about privilege. It's a hot topic term for our time and is often thrown around by people who don't know what it means or misconstrue it to fit whatever narrative best benefits them.
She's a bigoted idiot. Plain and simple. -
It is privilege.
If the people were reversed, the white man would have been arrested.
The UK is making misogyny a crime, but not misandry.
You don't see non-whites getting arrested for making racist comments, especially to whites.
You see Christian street preachers being arrested but not Muslim street preachers.
@raphjd You need a permit to preach on the street and there are zones in cities where people can freely preach. I have only ever seen Christian preachers on streets.
Your argument is flawed and oozing with bias.
I feel like I need to reiterate this point:
Women are being killed more than men for being women every day.
People of colour are being killed more than Caucasian people every day for being people of colour.
It's not a competition. It's not a race to the bottom. It's survival.
I feel like I made a good argument about how current trends influence discourse, so I'm not going to repeat it all again, but I will say that one idiot's prejudice does not mean the white overlords are in trouble. If you're scared of black people, just talk to one. You'll soon realise how tedious the discourse is when you have to repeatedly say that some people having rights doesn't mean you lose your rights.. -
@pmrrk said in Yet more proof of black & female privilege - black woman on train abusing white man:
You need a permit to preach on the street
And? You evade his point.
Street preachers are often treated differently - depending on Christian or Muslim.
Your argument is flawed and oozing with bias
Actually, yours is.
(See how that works? To judge or merely declare your opponent or opponent's argument as stupid, is 2-way street)
Women are being killed...for being women every day.
Evidence, please. Show us last time any murderer said "I hate that woman for being woman - specially that, specially my preference for men over women." Hint: it'll be rare. Trans or Gay serial killer - they happen - but more common in movies or novels, you know, "Buffalo Bill" in that movie.
Murderers usually have other motive - get drugs or money, gang revenge, silence a witness, etc.
Oh wait - in Communist China they'd kill girl babies - so, you could argue that girls are killed "for being girls" under, you know, Communism. But I doubt you want to.
People of colour are being killed more than Caucasian people every day for being people of colour.
In USA, 95% of Blacks killed, are killed by Blacks. Black-on-Black violence. 95%
Black Lives Matter - why do they never talk about that?
I feel like I made a good argument about how current trends influence discourse, so I'm not going to repeat it all again, but I will say that one idiot's prejudice does not mean the white overlords are in trouble. If you're scared of black people, just talk to one. You'll soon realise how tedious the discourse is when you have to repeatedly say that some people having rights doesn't mean you lose your rights..
Word salad. Your ideology doesn't even make sense & you begin to feel it.
@blablarg18 sadly, I don't keep a catalogue of examples of hate crimes in my back pocket. I'm a support worker, not a journalist.
That said, I don't know where to start with the black on black crime allegation. Maybe I could tempt you into searching up Generational Trauma?
Also, as a final note, I still think that woman was an idiot. I don't think it's worth tarnishing an entire population with that same brush as that one idiot.Also, as a side note, I'm genuinely sorry for resorting to accusing you of bias. I don't know you and shouldn't have made it personal.
The woman is an idiot.
That being said, in the UK, if the race and gender were reversed there would have been an arrest and jail time. That is the privilege I spoke of.
This is why liberals stopped using equality and started using equity. Equity is liberal code for special rights.
Wow, this
"reframes" things.
I'd disagree with it because entire concept of "races" is dumb to begin with. Color blind, is right way to go.
Still, it made me stop & think.
@blablarg18 Again, I ask you to research generational trauma.
@pmrrk Again, it applies to everyone. To racialize it or believe in "races" and who's racially better, helps no one.
@blablarg18 in the context of this thread, it is racial. It could be said the same for Irish people, Syrian people, Czech people, Nigerian people. The original poster said that this black woman is using her black "privilege" to be an arsehole. Then the conversation went on to who does the most crimes racially (which I think should be judged more on a caste system which is designed to impoverish people of a lower caste to empower the higher caste who still perform crimes, but can pay their way out of incarceration, thus making crime pie charts obsolete)
So, yeah... she was a dickhead who used generational trauma to be inconsiderate on public transport. Is it trauma's fault? No. Is it this individual's fault for not taking responsibility of her own self? Yep.
And that's how you cure societal injustices. Through a forum about wanking over pretty men.
I also said she used her female privilege, not just her black privilege for the reasons I already stated.
Generational Trauma is garbage.
GT allows certain groups to get away with things other groups can't.
Black people get to use GT as an excuse, but Slavic people (enslaved en mass by the Ottomans) do not. That is black privilege. Slavs being enslaved started before and lasted longer than the western slavery of black people.
Likewise, women get all manner of excuses to justify their bad behavior.
@raphjd Exactly. To extent Generational Trauma is real, it "should" excuse everybody - even Whites.
That it's applied so selectively for 1 race, indicts it. / shows Privilege
@pmrrk Good luck. I don't even know what to make of your last comment.
Closest I can get: you argue that it's only 1 dumb person on a train?
Fair.... except Black & Female Privilege have countless more examples...... with, perhaps, overall point that "Privilege" concept is as meaningless & unhelpful, if we're being honest, as GT concept.
@blablarg18 I suppose there'd be more examples of white male privilege, but they are all so pure and innocent. White, even.
@pmrrk Feel free to post specific examples. Do it.
You won't want to touch college admissions, though.
Harvard got so biased in favor of Black & Latin, against White & Asian, that USA Supreme Court had to slam them.
Bottom 20% of Harvard Black applicants (bottom 20% by academic measures among Black peers only), had better chance, than top 20% of Harvard Asian applicants (top 20% by academic measures among Asian peers only).
Now that is privilege.
Surveys show that, on college applications, students don't lie to exaggerate their Whiteness. They lie to exaggerate their Blackness. Think on that. White doesn't get them ahead.