self-hate, Penis Envy & Brown Envy in diaries of Nashville trans shooter (Audrey Hale)
Audrey Hale diary entries have come out by FOIA.
Looks like her various diary entries are what 'Tranifesto' refers to.
2-3 'Tranifesto' pages leaked earlier.
Sad entries show a lesbian woman suffering from classic Woke beliefs, of self-hate, Penis Envy & Brown Envy.
Nashville trans shooter called self 'white nothingness,' wrote journal entries about desire for 'brown girls'
"No brown girls, no love," she wrote. "I am nothing. Brown love is the most beautiful kind."
...and added, “I will be of no use of love for any girl if I don’t have what they need: boy’s body / male gender.”
Trans school shooter Audrey Hale wrote journal entry about her 'imaginary penis,' wanting to have sex with women
"I finally found the answer—that changing one's gender is possible."
Some lib - whether athiest, Christian or other lib - must have taught her to value Trans over Lesbian, value Cock over Vagina, value Brown over White.
Still not clear: Who did that.
Still too clear: Who literally shot kids.
Strangely, the woke call this "Trumpist propaganda" despite it being her own words.
This is the result of the left's constant demonization of whites and non-queer people. Nothing is ever their own fault. It's also massive amounts of self-loathing.
@raphjd would LOVE to see someone around here call it "Trumpist propaganda" - I'd laugh for hours
but nah.... it's just Woke..... what Woke does to people
There's a member that has you blocked that used that term. Not for this specifically, but our posts generally.
@raphjd HAHAHAHAHAhahahahaha - that weakass
btw - I'm aware of at least one member who pretends to not read me - but reads me carefully in a non-logged-in state - because he'll echo some turn of phrase I just used
so funny
Controversy on how diaries got out.
Looks like FOIA type requests were made - but denied for poor reasons - then someone leaked records.
Judge looks rogue: like she suppressed public records, wants to punish publisher, etc. (In USA publishers don't get to steal shit themselves, BUT, they do get to publish what others leak to them. Well-known case law.)
Looks like FBI & others reeeaaally want Tranifesto suppressed - but why?
Some revelations from the more than 30 stories: The FBI suggested that Metro Police could destroy the shooter’s writings to prevent the public from ever seeing them; a psychologist who treated shooter Audrey Hale tried to get her involuntarily committed at the Vanderbilt psychiatric hospital after Hale expressed violent fantasies; Hale had been planning the attack for a very long time and thought she could have been discovered; and Hale had been treated over the course of 22 years by Vanderbilt Psychiatric. (Hale was 28 years old when she attacked the school and was killed by responding police.)...
...The Tennessee Public Records Act allows a requester whose public records request was denied by a government entity “to petition for access to any such record and to obtain judicial review of the actions taken to deny the access.”[(T.C.A. § 10-7-505 (a)]
“The burden of proof for justification of nondisclosure of records sought shall be upon the official and/or designee of the official of those records and the justification for the nondisclosure must be shown by a preponderance of the evidence.” [T.C.A. § 10-7-505 (c)]
"Nashville Police Chief John Drake confirmed that VUMC staff had failed to warn potential victims after Hale expressed a desire to" do mass shooting.
VUMC is, Vanderbilt University Medical Center
What you tell therapist is confidential - with certain exceptions, like, when crazy person threatens specific harm to self or others.
Is it normal for victims (of crazy person's threats or potential actions) to be warned?
I don't know about warning the potential victim directly, but there is a legal obligation to inform the police.
Of course, the SCOTUS has ruled that police have no duty to inform the intended victims that they may be in danger. It's part of the set of rulings that say that the police are not there to prevent crime, but rather to solve crimes and arrest those that commit them.
Shockingly, the UK has no duty to report, even for child abuse.
@raphjd Oh! I bet VUMC told police.... & police did nothing. & don't want people to know
police been very edgy about this, entire time
Thought about this again.
"Nashville Police Chief John Drake confirmed that VUMC staff had failed to warn potential victims after Hale expressed a desire to" do mass shooting.
It could be finger-pointing? I bet it was never on VUMC to warn victims. I'd guess it was on VUMC to warn police & they did.
"SCOTUS has ruled that police have no duty to inform the intended victims" - I accept that as fact - but then - what is even the point, of warning police?
I bet FBI was warned too - and did nothing - would explain why FBI also been so nervous, in this
A lot of SCOTUS rulings don't make sense when positioned next to other rulings.
Update - reports say, "Vandy Psych" never did warn police